Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This The Challenge of Confirmation Bias lesson plan also includes:
- Standing Up for Democracy Unit
- Get Prepared to Teach This Scheme of Work in Your Classroom
- The Challenge of Confirmation Bias PowerPoint (.pptx)
- Can You Solve This
- Defining Confirmation Bias
- Confirmation Bias Transcript
- Digital Culture Critic Abandons "Fake on the Internet" Column
- Activity
- Join to access all included materials
Confirmation bias makes it difficult to overcome our preconceived notions of others. That's the big idea in a lesson that teaches learners strategies to recognize and question their biases.
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Instructional Ideas
- Review the S-I-T (Surprising, Interesting, Troubling) discussion strategy before watching the video
- Have groups investigate what has been down to counteract fake news since the publication of Dewey's article in 2015
Classroom Considerations
- Fourth of 15 resources from the Standing Up for Democracy unit
- Lessons are cumulative and designed to be taught in order
- Presumes a protocol has been established to permit safe, respectful discussions
- Requires a free account to access the PowerPoint
- requires copies of Dewey's article
- Includes a link to a mid-unit assessment
- Also included is a link to an article with additional information for instructors for teaching about bias
- The lesson is richly detailed and carefully scaffolded
- None