Lesson Plan

The Graph of a Function

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Mathematics set notation can be represented through a computer program loop. Making the connection to a computer program loop helps pupils see the process that set notation describes. The activity allows for different types domain and how they are translated into set notation. 

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CCSS: Designed
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Instructional Ideas
  • Challenge inddividuals to write their own programs and translate them into mathematical set notations
  • Provide direct instruction of new vocabulary or words that may be unfamiliar
Classroom Considerations
  • Notation is difficult for some learners; allow time for practice and use frequent checks for understanding
  • The eleventh installment in a 26-part series
  • An interdisciplinary lesson that motivates students through the use of programming language
  • All handouts, keys, and a detailed teacher guide are included
  • None