Curated and Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
This The Homestead Act lesson plan also includes:
- The Homestead Act
- Primary Source Images
- Student Analysis Worksheet
- John Sluggett to Abraham Lincoln, Thursday, January 24, 1861
- Millions of Acres. Iowa and Nebraska, Land for Sale
- The First Homesteader
- A Family Homesteading
- Ho For Kansas!
- Exodusters in Nicodemus Kansas
- Join to access all included materials
To understand how the Homestead Act of 1862 changed the US and the lives of the people during that time, class members examine primary source materials including letters, broadsides, and images. They then assume the voice of a homesteader and write a letter to people back home describing their experience.
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Instructional Ideas
- Have groups expand the lesson and research Exodusters and Nicodemus, Kansas
Classroom Considerations
- Much of the background information is delivered in a lecture format
- The packet includes the lesson plan and links to all required materials
- None