Lesson Plan

The Lion as Predator - Agile as a Cat LESSON OVERVIEW In this lesson, students will learn about some key adaptations that make the mountain lion an effective predator. They will do this by comparing the ability of mountain lions to perform certain actions

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Lion as Predator - Agile as a Cat LESSON OVERVIEW In this lesson, students will learn about some key adaptations that make the mountain lion an effective predator. They will do this by comparing the ability of mountain lions to perform certain actions lesson plan also includes:

Pupils discuss some key adaptations that make the mountain lion an effective predator. They compare the ability of mountain lions to perform cetrain actions, such as jumping and listening, with the ability of humans to perform the same actions.

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Resource Details
6th - 12th
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
2 days
Instructional Strategies
Inquiry-Based Learning
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