
The Martian Chronicles: Concept Analysis

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

If you're planning on including Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles in your science fiction unit, use a concept analysis guide to frame your instruction. It covers literary elements such as setting, narrative voice, and theme, as well as any affective issues and vocabulary to anticipate during reading.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use when planning your novel unit to augment your instruction
  • Have kids fill out their own concept analysis form with the story elements they encounter
  • Include the extension projects as part of your curriculum instead of book reports
Classroom Considerations
  • Some pictures are in color, but printing in black and white shouldn't be a problem
  • Best used as a reference guide, as it doesn't include activities for kids to complete
  • Addresses key parts of the novel's structure and plot
  • Include fun and engaging extension project ideas
  • None