
The Moon Seems to Change: Phases of the Moon

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Moon Seems to Change: Phases of the Moon activity also includes:

Use Eric Carle's sweet book, Papa, Please get the Moon for Me to learn about phases of the moon. Young schholars use a moon template calendar to chart moon phases for a month, sing lunar phase chants, and create a delicious visual diagram using a paper plate and Oreo cookies. 

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Classroom Considerations
  • Instructions on the moon calendar worksheet state that learners can copy the moon they see in class the next day if they don't have a chance to color the moon that day. Consider removing this option if you want this to be a serious homework assignment
  • Photographs make these activities easy to replicate
  • All worksheets, images, and graphic organizers are provided
  • There is a missing period on the first page, last sentence