Instructional Video

The Punishable Perils of Plagiarism

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

For the purposes of this video, plagiarism is a criminal offense pursued by the Department of Plagiarism Investigation. Each type of plagiarism is given a catchy name, a creative description, and is demonstrated with a cartoon animation. Although the D.P.I. isn't actually real, the narrator encourages viewers to uphold the ideals of this imaginary department. Extend the lesson with the provided additional materials.

1 Collection 196 Views 146 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
  • The video brings each type of plagiarism to life
  • Animation and narration is engaging and will keep pupils interested
  • The plan is customizable with the flip option
  • Each type is explained rather quickly, so you might need to spend additional time discussing the details with your class