Lesson Plan

The Roots of Prohibition: Examining the Effort to Prohibit Alcohol in America

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Roots of Prohibition: Examining the Effort to Prohibit Alcohol in America lesson plan also includes:

Five segements from Ken Burns' documentary series Prohibition, easily accessed on the PBS website, are at the center of a terrific short unit on the roots of America's ambivalent relationship with alcohol. Engage your secondary class with a discussion of proposed government regulation of personal behavior based on several examples provided. Then explore the roots of Prohibition through video excerpts, active listening practice, and an engaging, thought-provoking deliberation activity. A comprehensive resource that includes video note-taking and discussion questions, active listening guidelines, background information about six historic constituent groups that class members role play in the deliberation activity, and a bibliography with other useful resources. Take a weekend off from planning. With a resource as complete as this one; you've got Prohibition covered.

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Resource Details
9th - 12th
English Language Arts
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
5 days
Instructional Strategies
Project-Based Learning
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