Lesson Plan

The Tempest: Kinesthetic Grammar Approach

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Tempest: Kinesthetic Grammar Approach lesson plan also includes:

Though beautiful, William Shakespeare's prose can be inhibiting for learners who are new to his works. A lesson based on The Tempest guides high schoolers through the paraphrasing process, including noting the subjects and verbs to align a modern retelling to a selected passage.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Assign additional passages to pairs or groups, and have them compare their paraphrasing results to each other
  • Project the passage onto a whiteboard or SMART Board, and note the parts of speech for your class to see in order to model the activity
Classroom Considerations
  • Slide referenced in the lesson is not available; you'll need to create your own
  • Struggling readers may need additional help with the activity, as it is guided but still difficult for learners who are unfamiliar with Shakespearean prose or who need help with parts of speech
  • Helpful for any of Shakespeare'e works, or with other literature with similar writing styles
  • Guides kids through a process that they can use with different subjects and classes
  • None