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This is a very large list of minerals complete with image and physical descriptions, chemical descriptions, and classification.
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acanthite, aegirine, analcime, andalusite, andradite, anglesite, anhydrite, ankerite, annabergite, antimony, apatite, apophyllite, aragonite, arsenopyrite, artinite, atacamite, augite, autunite, azurite, babingtonite, barite, bastnasite, benitoite, beryl, biotite mica, bismuth, bixbyite, boleite, boltwoodite, bornite, boulangerite, bournonite, brazilianite, brochantite, brookite, calcite, carnotite, cassiterite, cavansite, cerussite, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, chalcotrichite, chlorargyrite, chrysoberyl, chrysocolla, cinnabar, clinoclase, collinsite, cornetite, cornubite, corundum, creedite, crocoite, cryptomelane, cubanite, cuprite, cuprosklodowskite, cyanotrichite, cylindrite, danburite, datolite, diopside, dioptase, dolomite, enargite, eosphorite, epidote, erythrite, ettringite, eudialyte, feldspar, ferberite, fluorite, francevillite, galena, glauberite, goethite, graphite, grossular, halite, hausmannite, hematite, hemimorphite, heulandite, hilgardite, horneblende, ilvaite, joaquinite, k spar, kaolinite, kermesite, kinoite, koettigite, kutnohorite, kyanite, latrappite, laumontite, lazulite, legrandite, libethenite, limonite, magnesite, magnetite, malachite, marcasite, mesolite, mica, milky quartz, millerite, mimetite, mineral chemical makeup, mineral images, molybdenite, murmanite, natrolite, neptunite, nontronite, okenite, olivenite, olivine, opal, orpiment, orthoclase, phurcalite, piemontite, plagioclase, prehnite, pseudobrookite, purpurite, pyrargyrite, pyrite, pyrolusite, pyromorphite, pyroxene, rhodizite, rhodochrosite, rosasite, rose quartz, roselite, rutile, salammoniac, scheelite, schlozite, scolecite, siderite, siegenite, sillimanite, skutterudite, smithsonite, spangolite, spessartitte, sphalerite, spinel, staurolite, stibnite, stilbite, strengite, strontianite, svanbergite, talc, tetrahedrite, titanite, topaz, torbernite, tourmaline, uranophane, uvarovite, uvite, vanadinite, variscite, vesuvianite, vivianite, wardite, wavellite, willemite, wulfenite, zoisite, inesite, ferroaxinite, mineral
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