
Tuck Everlasting: Time-Line Graphic Organizer Strategy

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

What happens first in Tuck Everlasting? What happens after that? Prompt readers to create a timeline of the events in Natalie Babbitt's novel, detailing both story sequence and character relationships.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Have readers create a draft of a timeline for homework and compare their ideas of the plot to their peers'
  • Create a large timeline, either electronically or on a bulletin board, that kids can attach important events or ideas to periodically throughout the novel (or when they finish reading)
Classroom Considerations
  • Doesn't provide a graphic organizer or worksheet 
  • You'll need to bulk up the assessment part of the lesson to assess more accurately
  • Provides a basic example readers can use as a model or elaborate
  • Encourages learners to synthesize what they read and portray their understanding in a tangible way
  • Beware grammar and usage errors