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This report presents a number of views and proposals voiced in recent UNESCO-sponsored forums concerning the challenge of Information Highways for development. The official position of the Organization can be found in the document entitled UNESCO and an Information Society for All referenced in this report.
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copyright, fair use, the right to privacy, impact of technology on society, information highways for development, information society for all, information technology for development, information and communication tech in development, information and communication technology in development, information and communication technologies, information and communication technologies in developing countries, policy aspects of electronic media, technology for development, the right to communicate: at what price?, unesco, unesco: information and communication tech in development, cultural implications of the information revolution, development for technology, ethical implications of the information revolution, evolving technologies, impact of the information revolution, information and communication technologies in decision-making, legal implications of the information revolution, right of expression, social implications of the information revolution, universal access, technology & society
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