
Unit 3 Math Vocabulary Cards (Grade 1)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Unit 3 Math Vocabulary Cards (Grade 1) printable also includes:

Reinforce math vocabulary with a set of flashcards. Each card showcases a boldly typed word or a picture representation with labels. The topics are geometry related and include terms such as cones, faces, pyramids, sides, and more! 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Copy cards on cardstock and laminate for continued use
  • Send cards home with pupils in order to extend vocabulary practice with their families
  • Keep sets in an easily accessible location so class members can browse them when time permits 
Classroom Considerations
  • The cards are the third set of eight designed to accompany the Houghton Mifflin first grade math curriculum
  • Words are printed in alphabetical order
  • Pictures are not in color and out of focus 
Common Core