
Unit 4 Pre-Assessment

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Pre-assessments are great to help teachers determine what information their classes lack, what misconceptions they have, and how in depth to teach specific concepts. The first in a five-part series is a pre-assessment of middle schoolers' knowledge of climate change. Consisting of 13 short-answer and multiple-choice questions, the pre-assessment allows teachers to see what their classes already know. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Use at the beginning of a unit on climate change to help determine what to teach and how in depth
  • Allow 15 minutes for the assessment (pupils either know it or they don't at this point)
Classroom Considerations
  • The multiple choice questions have the correct answer in red, so when printing these, look for differences in answer choice colors and fix them if necessary
  • Assessment includes different types of questions, allowing teachers to better understand what classes know and don't know
  • Resource has pupils analyze graphs, which provides great practice for middle schoolers who might struggle with this skill
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