
University of Regina: Math Central: Manipulatives for the Upper Elementary (Gr. 4 6)

Curated by ACT

Many teachers find it more challenging to incorporate the use of manipulatives into their mathematics programs at the upper elementary or middle school grades. Activities using manipulatives are provided for grades four, five, and six using each of the following: geometric solids, base ten blocks, geoboards, colour tiles, tangrams, pattern blocks, and blocks and cubes. Lesson plans are provided in both HTML and pdf formats for easing printing.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Classroom Considerations
  • Knovation Readability Score: 2 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
  • This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information
Common Core