Instructional Video

Using the Zero Product Property to Solve Quadratic Functions

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Using the Zero Product Property to Solve Quadratic Functions instructional video also includes:

The last step of solving a quadratic factoring problem is often the stumbling block for algebra learners. Setting each factor equal to zero and solving the mini-equations isn't an intuitive process to learners new to the zero product property. This short video breaks down the use of this property in a calm and approachable manner. Great to have on hand for either a quick introduction or a focused mini-lesson refresher. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Consider linking to this video on your website as homework help when covering the topic in class
  • Great assignment for a flipped classroom model, before using the zero product property in problems
  • Useful for small-group remediation or re-teaching
Classroom Considerations
  • Write out problems onto a worksheet ahead of time, and then pause the video while pupils or small groups work out the problem
  • Color coding of different roots might cause problems for visually impaired learners
  • Those not as strong in factoring skills might need the steps between the polynomial and factored form worked out for clarity
  • Video is not on YouTube, but does require streaming access
  • Emphasis on a single part of solving equations, without getting bogged down in precursor steps
  • Several similar examples, solved logically and similarly to help learners develop patterns and strategies
  • Color-coded solutions separate root values effectively
  • No student notes or companion worksheet provided