Lesson Plan

War and Poetry

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This War and Poetry lesson plan also includes:

A band of brothers or the Devil's agents? Nobel warriors freeing the oppressed or mercenaries working for the military/industrial complex? Groups examine poems from the Civil War, World War I, and World War II to determine the poets' point of view and opinion of war. Definitely deserves a place in your curriculum library.

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CCSS: Adaptable
  • The questions on the student analysis worksheet focus attention on key elements of the poems and aid in comprehension
  • Organizing the classroom into learning stations permits groups to focus on one set of poems at a time
  • The activity assumes middle schoolers have experience identifying how word choice creates mood and tone
  • The assessment activity, asking individuals to write their own poem, assumes learners have experience writing poems
  • Some of the primary source documents are difficult to read
Common Core