Unit Plan

Weekly Lesson Plan for Shared Reading

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Weekly Lesson Plan for Shared Reading unit plan also includes:

Reading is fun! Here, practice making predictions and instill concepts of print including the front of the book's features, the text's message, the connection between text and illustrations, and directionality with these daily reading lesson plans. 


368 Views 219 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Choose books of different levels, divide your class by their reading level, rotate groups, each visiting you to read the book appropriate to their level while the others practice skills in other centers 
Classroom Considerations
  • Visit your school library or download the text, I Went Walking by Sue Machin
  • The assessment program listed is not provided, but the assessments can still take place without it
  • Overview and daily lesson plans are written in detail
  • None