Instructional Video

What is Evolution?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

A short video offers a simple, yet engaging, explanation of the theory of evolution using amoebas as an example. The narrator uses the example of the evolution of dog breeds as an example of how humans can influence the course of change.

44 Views 61 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Have class members add the given definition of evolution to their science journals
  • In addition to the species discussed in the video, share photos of the evolution of horses for additional discussion points
Classroom Considerations
  • Avoid displaying the comment section as it is filled with language and personal attacks not generally acceptable in a classroom
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Offers subtitles in 14 languages for ELLs
  • Lists multiple definitions of evolution for comparison in the notes section
  • None