Lesson Plan

What Makes an Entrepreneur?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

What do the founders of Wendy's and Virgin Airlines have in common? They are both entrepreneurs! Key definitions and case studies help learners brainstorm their own definitions of what it takes to succeed in business. A series of activities, including discussion questions and case studies, investigates the definition of entrepreneur and several business people who have made a go at starting their own enterprises.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Ask young economists to examine the resources to create their own definition of entrepreneur
  • Discuss the characteristics of entrepreneurs using the included case studies
Classroom Considerations
  • Part of a series of lesson plans form the Council for Economic Education
  • A wealth of ready-to-use materials, such as structured activities and discussion questions, make this lesson easy to implement
  • Discussion questions and assessments are adaptable to a variety of pupils
  • Some links to resources are broken or go to sites with pop-up ads