Instructional Video

What's the Matter? | UNC-TV Science

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This What's the Matter? | UNC-TV Science instructional video also includes:

Explore what makes up the universe and demystify the complex ideas of matter and the atom. Group members watch a video with explanations, animations, and examples that discuss the characteristics and importance of matter. Scholars then complete a multiple-choice worksheet to assess content understanding.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Ask scholars to write a PSA describing the importance of matter in the universe
  • Conduct a matter versus not-matter class poll for a list of terms
Classroom Considerations
  • Content geared toward the lower end of the grade band
  • Gives investigators concrete criteria to define abstract concepts 
  • Uses examples with clear language to help younger learners
  • Minor grammatical and spelling errors on the worksheet; no key provided