Lesson Plan

When Something's Missing: Diagnosing Vitamin Deficiencies

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This When Something's Missing: Diagnosing Vitamin Deficiencies lesson plan also includes:

The New York Times "Education" section posts an extensive lesson on vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It involves class discussion, examination of food packaging labels, and the reading of a blog post about Vitamin D. The highlight of the lesson is that small groups each research a different nutrient and create an informative poster. In addition, they write a narrative of a person who has a deficiency of the assigned vitamin or mineral. Afterward, individuals examine each poster and take notes, then they use the notes to diagnose the patients in the narratives.

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Resource Details
6th - 9th
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
2 days
Instructional Strategies
Collaborative Learning
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