Lesson Plan

Where is it Windy?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Where is it Windy? lesson plan also includes:

How is the wind up there? The class builds a topography model using materials available in the classroom, then place wind flags in different locations on the landscape. Using a fan as a wind source, pupils collect data about how wind from two different locations affects the flags and their movement. Individuals apply what they observed in the model to a topographical map of the US to determine where to place wind farms. This is lesson plan five of a 19-part series.

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Additional Tags
Instructional Ideas
  • After collecting data twice, create another topography and collect data again
Classroom Considerations
  • Maps should be copied in color if they are going to be handed out
  • Creating the model and collecting data may take an entire class period
  • The reading passage contains a career profile highlighting an occupation related to the lesson
  • A graphic oragnizer is provided in order to help collect data on the wind flgs
  • The first extension suggestion is the activity done in class
  • Materials list references New York maps, but the maps provided are for the US