Instructional Video

Why Neutrinos Matter

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Why Neutrinos Matter instructional video also includes:

What can we learn from one of the smallest particles in the universe? A lot more than you might expect. Check out this short video as it takes a closer look at neutrinos, tiny elementary particles that carry valuable information from the farthest reaches of space, and the telescope that scientists have designed to capture them.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Include a viewing of this video in a AP physics lesson series on elementary particles
  • Create a note-taking guide for students to complete while watching the video
  • Flip your classroom by assigning this video and short quiz as a homework activity
Classroom Considerations
  • Prior knowledge of atomic structure is necessary in order for students to understand this video
  • Animations help to visually support the abstract concepts being presented
  • In addition to the video, a short assessment is included with five multiple choice and three free-response questions
  • Teachers are given the option to develop their own lesson based on the video
  • None