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In this Spanish-language entry, grasp a concrete understanding of a complicated man whose discoveries impacted society more than any other scientist. This site chronicles the life and accomplishments of Albert Einstein. It also studies his scientific advancements, political activity and religious beliefs.
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einstein, general relativity, photo-electrical, physics, premio nobel, quantum theory, relative, relativity, science, theory of relativity, theory of special relativity, 1905 articles, brownian movement, general theory, general theory of relativity, articulos de 1905, bose-einstein, efecto fotoelectrico, equivalencia masa-energia, estadisticas de bose-einstein, instituto de estudios avanzados, investigations on theory of brownian movement, magnetismo, mecanica estadistica, movimiento browniano, relatividad, relatividad especial, relatividad general, religion, special theory of relativity, teoria cinetica de los fluidos, theories of relativity
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