Lesson Plan

WOOP for Classrooms: Self-Control

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This WOOP for Classrooms: Self-Control lesson plan also includes:

Achieving your goals can be as easy as Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan! Show your class how to turn their personal and academic desires into reality using a time-proven process. The resource focuses on self control and guides users through the WOOP process by providing a handy handout to identify the elements of their wishes and track their progress toward achieving them.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Add WOOP to your first week of school to get the year started off with positive steps
  • Make it a habit by incorporating the steps into everyday lessons
Classroom Considerations
  • Give it a try! WOOP is more effectively taught if you have firsthand experience
  • The process is student-driven and simple to execute
  • Teacher's resources include videos, handouts, and a feedback form for after the presentation
  • Scholars of every age benefit from the activity
  • None