Lesson Plan

Working with Watermills

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

In collaborative groups, emerging engineers or environmental scientists plan and construct a water wheel or watermill that rotates for a total of three minutes. Everything you need to carry out this lesson is included: objectives, background information (both historical and scientific), and more! This, and other lessons by the same publisher are ideal for bringing STEM activities into your classroom.

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CCSS: Adaptable
  • Aligns with Next Generation Science Standards for several grade levels
  • Richly detailed teacher's notes include photographs 
  • An included article brings an opportunity to address Common Core Standards for literacy in science
  • Can easily be integrated with a social studies for a cross-curricular lesson
  • Worksheet keeps learners on-task
  • Adaptable to a wide span of grade levels
  • A few special materials need to be purchased, such as foam cylinders and small wooden slats or spoons, but the experience would be well worth the time it takes to collect them