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After reading/listening to the picture book I am the Dog I am the Cat by Donald Hall in which two characters have opposing viewpoints, learners are asked to look deeply at opposing viewpoints of real people just before the Revolutionary War. Students do research, fill in graphic organizers, and then create a comic strip of the opposing views.
Additional Tags
compare points of view, historical characters, opposing viewpoints, similarities and differences in point of view, ccss.ela, i am the dog i am the cat by donald hall, northern nevada writing project, ri.5.6, revolutionary war, writingfix, writingfix: compare and contrast lesson: opposing points of view in history, writingfix: compare and contrast lesson: opposing points of view in history ri.5.6, comic strip, determining point of view
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 2 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional|practice
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