Lesson Plan

Writing Right

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Prepare high school seniors for the job search process with a lesson plan that teaches them how to craft four different types of business letters: the cover letter, the informational interview request, a reference request, and a thank you letter.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Instructors should review the plan, handouts, online resources, and start-up video to prepare for the discussions
  • Load the Job Central app on computers and help set up the accounts required for the lesson
  • Consider conducting the lesson over fours days, one for each type of letter
Classroom Considerations
  • Pupils must have computers with internet access
  • Learners will create an account to use the My Stuff Job Central app
  • Requires printed copies of multiple handouts
  • Part of the Career & College Readiness series design for high school seniors
  • Includes step-by-step directions for instructors to prepare for the lesson
  • Templates for the various letter types are included
  • None