Instructional Video

Zero G Ferrofluid Fail

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

What is it like to go up in a zero gravity airplane? Physics Girl shares her experiences and the science experiments she brought along as part of her video series. From the way your body feels to the failed experiments, she laughs and explains the science behind everything.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Use when studying astronaut training or the effects of gravity
  • Discuss ideas for what experiments scientists could perform in this test environment
Classroom Considerations
  • Relies on prior knowledge of ferrofluid and gravity
  • Repeats "Oh my God" many times, so consider the sensitivities of all pupils
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Links to related videos
  • Entertaining and fast-paced to keep viewers interested
  • Includes subtitles in English and French for ease of note taking
  • None