Achievement Strategies
CCSS Unit Design Template for English/Language Arts K-12
Whether or not your school has adopted the Common Core standards, this 18-page language arts unit design template is worth a look because it asks instructors to consider all the key elements of a strong English language arts unit. In...
Achievement Strategies
Unit/Chapter Design Template
A thorough lesson plan template allows teachers to design balanced and standards-based lessons for any grade. The template includes spaces for unit vocabulary and concepts, objectives, and additional resources.
Saskatchewan Elocution and Debate Association
Grab ‘N Go Debate
Here's a resource that provides debaters with the background information and worksheets they will need when planning a policy debate. Templates and sentence frames, as well as a rationale for using debates in the classroom, are...
English Enhanced Scope and Sequence
Differentiate between Formal and Informal Language
The Pledge of Allegiance, the Gettysburg Address, the National Anthem, and the Preamble to the Constitution all get close attention in an exercise that asks learners to rewrite these formally-worded documents into informal language....
Achievement Strategies
CCSS Unit Design Template for PE
From baseball and tennis to capture the flag and four-square, here is a great document that will help you design your next unit on a sport-related activity.
Achievement Strategies
CCSS Unit Design Template for Art
Art classes, like any lab class, require extensive preplanning and set-up time. Use this planning template in the quiet before the storm to identify the equipment and materials that will be needed, the procedures and processes...
Curriculum Corner
Sports of All Sorts
Do your students love sports? Do they love math and reading? If the first answer is yes and the second is no, a resource with sports-themed math and literacy games may change their minds! Learners move through stations to practice...
Curated OER
Parts of Speech: Building Good Sentences
Using technology, 3rd graders will complete a reinforcement project to differentiate between nouns (common and proper), verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and pronouns. Using the teacher-made template, they will create PowerPoint slides on the...
California Education Partners
Hope Despair Memory
Elie Wiesel's "Hope, Despair and Memory" provides ninth graders an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to analyze complex text. Individuals craft an essay that draws evidence from the text of the speech to show how Wiesel develops...
Curated OER
Special Accommodations
This accommodations template provides a checklist of special accommodations that may be required for special needs learners in six areas: attention, academic, behavior, testing, speech/language, and OT/PT. Space is also provided for...
Sharp School
The Bill of Rights and Supreme Court Cases Project
Social media and United States history combine as your young historians design a Facebook page for two major defendants of landmark Supreme Court cases. The resource includes a detailed rubric for research and page design, as well as a...
English Enhanced Scope and Sequence
Media Literacy Applied
After investigating various forms of print, oral, and electronic media as sources of information, class members research a historical figure and produce a résumé for this person. While templates are provided for an initial sorting...
Curated OER
Reported Speech Soccer for ESL
Students explore English by participating in a class trivia activity. For this group speech lesson, students collaborate in small groups and identify phrases and terms on flash cards which they keep track of. Students utilize their...
Alabama Department of Archives and History
Beyond Birmingham, Summer 1963
The assassination of Medgar Evers. The integration of the University of Alabama. The March on Washington. The "I Have a Dream" speech. Created by the Alabama History Education Initiative, this resource examines how the events...
Education World
Public Speaking Lesson: The Impact of Bullying
It's one thing to prevent yourself from becoming a bully, but how do you convince others to follow suit? Take the first step in creating a better world with a public speaking lesson that prompts learners to write and present persuasive...
Curated OER
Verb Sheet
Students complete template on the conjugation of any tense of verbs in Spanish, and then write teacher-dictated sentences using these verbs.
Curated OER
Using a Database to Organize Vocabulary Words
Students use a database as a vocabulary resource during writing/reading. They preview stories and list unknown works into their reading notebooks. Students find the definitions, and enter their words into a database using a teacher...
Curated OER
Nursery Rhyme
After reading several types of informational and narrative text involving Nursery Rhymes, have your young readers create a dramatic reading of their selected tale to perform for the class.
Curated OER
Ed Tech
Students access and evaluate authority of electronic resources. They synthesize data from multiple sources. Students compose a Works Consulted page. They prepare and deliver an informative speech on a disease or medical condition.
Curated OER
Nouns in a Story
Students, assessing a variety of formatting tools with Microsoft Word, utilize a bank of vocabulary words to make a personal dictionary of nouns. They classify nouns for people, places, things and ideas and separate them into common and...
Curated OER
Help, I can't reach it!
Students learn the major organ systems in the human body and research simple machines on the Internet; They design an informational brochure about a medical profession and present that career topic to the class.
ITWorx Egypt SAE
Keep track of assignments, grades, attendance, seating, parent communication, behavior, and more with a one-stop classroom organization center.
Curated OER
Lesson Plan for Reading
Students in an adult ESL classroom are introduced to the definition of freedom of speech. Using the internet, they discover the differences between the rule of law and rule of men. To end the lesson, they examine how the court system...
Curated OER
'Twas the Night Before Christmas Fill-Them-in Tale
For this language arts worksheet, pupils fill in missing words to create their own version of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas." There are 20 blanks for students to fill in according to the part of speech specified: noun, verb or...