Read Write Think: Writing and Publishing Book Reviews
This lesson plan outlines classroom methods to teach both how to evaluate and how to write book reviews. Included in the lesson plan is an overview, practice, objectives, resources, preparation, and more.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Terrible, Horrible Days
After reading the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, students have the chance to express the way they feel when they have a bad day. They will make personal connections as well as develop...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Some Animals Don't Do That!
In this lesson plan, Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers by Laura Numeroff, is used as a mentor text for to highlight the trait of idea development. The content focus of the lesson is to highlight what topics cannot do. Students generate a list of...
Research Project Guide: A Handbook for Teachers and Students
This resource provides guided research teaching units for all levels of learners.
Learning at the Primary Pond: 3 Effective Strategies for Teaching Revising
A literacy specialist shares three effective strategies for teaching students revising techniques. These include providing students with specific criteria and peer revision. Examples of resources used in a classroom lesson are pictured.
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory: 6+1 Traits
This site focuses on the 6+1 TraitTM Writing framework. 1st Grade Opinion Writing Practice
[Free Registration/Login Required] This collection of worksheets will engage kids in writing their own opinions and identifying their reasons for these opinions. Graphic organizers for opinion writing and prompts with "I would rather"...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Publishing Time
In this lesson, young scholars will experience different types of publishing in order to strengthen their motivation and cultivate pride in their work. After utilizing the writing process, students will type out their writing on a... sl.k.5 Lesson Plans
[Free Registration/Login Required] Choose from four quality lesson plans to help students practice the Common Core Standard of adding drawings or other visual displays to descriptions as desired to provide additional detail.
Cpalms: Lafs.2.w.3.7
Choose from a variety of lessons, courses, and teaching ideas to support the Common Core standard of participating in a shared research and writing project. Purposeful Writing: Kindergarten
[Free Registration/Login Required] Your kindergarten students will learn how to share their opinion with others through entertaining and purposeful persuasive writing practice. At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: How to Teach Writing in Kindergarten
Literacy expert Timothy Shanahan shares best practices for teaching reading and writing. In this article, he recommends some reasonable approaches, activities, and routines to help facilitate and teach writing in Kindergarten.
Crayons and Cuties in Kindergarten: Launching Persuasive Writing in Kindergarten
A kindergarten teacher shares how she introduced persuasive writing in her classroom. After a discussion about "problems" that need to be fixed in their school, the class decided they wanted to write the principal a persuasive letter...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Writing Process: Brainstorming
This lesson will be used to introduce the writing process. Students will learn about the first step, brainstorming, through webbing activities. Students will also view other students' work on the Internet. Students will learn how to use...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Questioning Text
Creating a product and illustrations make this lesson great for teaching about questioning. Students will ask and answer questions about a text via the assistance of a graphic organizer.
Cpalms: Lafs.7.ri.1.3
This site provides explanation of the Florida English Language Arts Standard: Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing
An interactive tool to help teachers and parents learn more about writing. Here, writing samples from real kids provide examples and next-step guidance for students from pre-K to third grade.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Word Game for Kids: The Idea Game for Kids
How can using your five senses help you tell a better story? Young writers brainstorm three sensory details about a personal topic before writing a story about it. If they need help with ideas, they can click the magic button for story...
Laura Candler: Sylverster and the Magic Pebble Activities [Pdf]
Lesson plan utilizing cooperative learning for use with the book Sylvester and the Magic Pebble by William Steig. Includes printable word-sort cards and discussion question cards.
Class Flow: Opinion Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is a step-by-step lesson about writing opinion pieces designed for second graders.
Class Flow: Book Important
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart guides students through the writing process utilizing a framework for finding out the important things. It teaches them a structure for organizing their writing as well.
Can Teach
Can Teach: Class Book Ideas: Story Frames
This site discusses how story frames are a great way to support emergent writers in the classroom. Lots of story prompts and writing frames to use in a K-2 classroom.
EL Education
El Education: Recycling
Students find out how many bags of garbage their school produces and work through math processes to create graphs and make projections. Then they share this information with the school and make suggestions about how to decrease the...