Read Write Think: Drawing and Writing Stories
Online lesson which allows elementary young scholars to us the technique of drawing as a tool to create meaningful writing skills in fiction.
Scholastic: Math Journals Boost Real Learning
Discover how writing in a journal can boost your students reading skills when you read this article. This article sites ways to integrate writing with teaching math skills.
Scholastic: "I Feel" Origami Boxes
Give your students writing prompts to help them with their writer's block by using these PDF templates of boxes with open-ended prompts written on them. Although targeting elementary students, the concept could be used for middle school...
Read Write Think: Collaborative Revising
Lesson in which students engage in an entire-group revising process, using a story which has already been written by the group. An excellent follow-up lesson plan to the "prewriting and drafting" lesson plan.
Write Source: Writing Topics
The best way to write is to write! Here are a variety of writing prompts for grades 1-12. A valuable resource.
Read Write Think: Writing and Publishing Book Reviews
This lesson plan outlines classroom methods to teach both how to evaluate and how to write book reviews. Included in the lesson plan is an overview, practice, objectives, resources, preparation, and more.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Terrible, Horrible Days
After reading the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, students have the chance to express the way they feel when they have a bad day. They will make personal connections as well as develop...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Some Animals Don't Do That!
In this lesson plan, Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers by Laura Numeroff, is used as a mentor text for to highlight the trait of idea development. The content focus of the lesson is to highlight what topics cannot do. Students generate a list of...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Post It Writing Process
Based on Northern Nevada's 6-traits of writing, teachers can use a post-it note as a template for students to check their work throughout the writing process. Links to the 6-traits are included.
Research Project Guide: A Handbook for Teachers and Students
This resource provides guided research teaching units for all levels of learners.
Learning at the Primary Pond: 3 Effective Strategies for Teaching Revising
A literacy specialist shares three effective strategies for teaching students revising techniques. These include providing students with specific criteria and peer revision. Examples of resources used in a classroom lesson are pictured.
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory: 6+1 Traits
This site focuses on the 6+1 TraitTM Writing framework.
Boggle's World: Creative Writing Worksheets
A large collection of downloadable writing prompt worksheets to encourage students to develop their writing skills. Includes a variety of themes and some on special celebrations, such as Christmas and Halloween.
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Journal Writing Exercises for Kids
This article focuses on journal writing including the benefits, goals for parents and teachers, materials needed, journal exercises, and teaching kids how to keep a journal.
Abcteach: Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] These worksheets give beginning writers the opportunity to practice their skills. In downloadable and printable PDF format (requires Adobe Reader).
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Publishing Time
In this lesson, students will experience different types of publishing in order to strengthen their motivation and cultivate pride in their work. After utilizing the writing process, students will type out their writing on a computer....
Cpalms: Lafs.2.w.3.7
Choose from a variety of lessons, courses, and teaching ideas to support the Common Core standard of participating in a shared research and writing project.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Writing
A collection of videos, articles for parents and for teachers, teaching strategies, webcasts for teachers, and research briefs on helping children develop their writing skills. Purposeful Writing: Kindergarten
[Free Registration/Login Required] Your kindergarten students will learn how to share their opinion with others through entertaining and purposeful persuasive writing practice. At the completion of this lesson, students will be able to...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Writing Process: Brainstorming
This lesson will be used to introduce the writing process. Students will learn about the first step, brainstorming, through webbing activities. Students will also view other students' work on the Internet. Students will learn how to use...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Writing Thank You Notes
This lesson teaches students to write thank-you note using the writing process. Students will draft, revise, edit, and publish their thank-you notes. They will use a computer to view examples of thank-you notes and insert graphics into...
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing: Second Grade
In this section, you'll find writing assessment resources, writing strategies, and additional tip sheets for teachers and parents on how to help second graders build strong writing skills. You'll also find videos on teaching writing....
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Looking at Writing
An interactive tool to help teachers and parents learn more about writing. Here, writing samples from real kids provide examples and next-step guidance for students from pre-K to third grade.
Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets: Launching Young Readers: Episode 12: Growing Writers
Find video excerpts from this program on how to build students' writing skills. Includes links to recommended resources and transcripts for the videos.