Buck Institute
Pbl Works: Presentation Rubric Grades 3 5 Ccss Aligned
[Free Registration/Login Required] This rubric helps teachers guide students in grades 3-5 in making effective presentations in a project, and it can be used to assess their performance. Alignment with CC ELA standards for Speaking and...
Cpalms: Calling All Kid Presidents
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, students will watch a video of Kid President giving a speech and another of a student's winning speech to be vice-president of the student council. They will also read an excerpt from...
REMC Association of Michigan
Remc Association of Michigan: 21 Things4 Students: 11. Powerful Presentations
Tired of writing all the time? Would you like to express yourself through a presentation instead? During these Quests, you are going to learn how to present your ideas creatively through Google Slides or Microsoft PowerPoint. At the end...
Scholastic: Writing With Writers: Speechwriting
Learn speechwriting tips and strategies from this site which provides direction for writing and practicing a speech. As a final step, Scholastic News Radio Hotline provides an opportunity for you to record your speech and listen to...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: 5th Grade Narrative Practice Prompt: Relevant Setting Details
This exercise was designed to serve as a pre-writing activity for one of their three designated fifth grade practice prompts. The prompt is: Remember a time when you did something that made you feel proud of yourself. Think about what...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Don't Eat Me Monologues
In this lesson plan, students will create a 5-part (introduction, 3 ideas, conclusion) monologue incorporating persuasive techniques and strong word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Special Place Poems
In this lesson plan students will develop a poem while thinking about a special place. They will develop their ideas using strong word choice and figurative language. After the students have completed their ideas, they will be linked...
Live Worksheets: Question Words
This interactive worksheet features interrogative sentences with missing question words. Students will type in one of following words or phrases into each sentence: who, what, where, why, when, how, and more. Students will then submit...
Education Place
Houghton Mifflin: Eduplace: Bright Ideas for Writing
Looking for writing ideas? Here are two groups of writing prompts: one for grades 1-2 and one for 3-5. They are even organized by type of prompt as well. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.10
Read Write Think: Oral Presentation Rubric
A printable four-point rubric for use when evaluating oral presentations. The rubric focuses on the specific areas of delivery, content and organization, and enthusiasm and audience awareness. Directions on how to use this rubric as well...
Read Write Think: Developing, Writing, and Evaluating Persuasive Speeches
Contains plans for four lessons that teach students how to make and present strong persuasive speeches. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as well as assessment...
TES Global
Tes: Writing to Persuade: Lesson Presentation
[Free Registration/Login Required] The PowerPoint lesson will guide students through the steps in persuasive writing.
University of Michigan
Univ of Michigan: 4 Ps: Plan, Prepare, Practice and Present Your Speech [Pdf]
An outline for designing an effective speech is provided on this site. Steps included in the outline consist of the following: planning to write the speech; preparing to present the speech; and delivery of the speech. SL.9-10.1a...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Elements of an Effective Argument
Discussion focuses on understanding the three academic language objectives that make an effective argument: understand the concept of a thesis statement, the significance of writing an argument with an audience in mind, and the...
Wisc Online: Concluding Your Speech
The conclusion of a speech is your last chance to stress your main idea and purpose. How can you make it memorable? Follow these guidelines to write a strong conclusion to a speech.
Storytelling to Assess Speaking and Listening
An effective use of rubrics that encourages the student storyteller how to determine if his/her audience is listening. Learn about the different listening skill rubrics, storytelling rubrics and a self-assessment guide that asks the...
Ncsall: Relationship Between Reading and Speaking
The interview discusses the relationship between reading and speaking.
Quizlet: Main Idea, Main Idea Flashcards
Terms related to main idea are included in this review exercise. Interactive vocabulary flashcards are provided for the following words: main idea, central idea, interesting detail, subject, topic, support, supporting detail, theme, and...
Quizlet: Elements of an Argument Flashcards
Argument essay terms are included in this review exercise. Interactive vocabulary flashcards are provided for the following words: argument, claim, support, reasons, evidence, and counterargument.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: What the Heck Is That? Inferring the Purpose of an Object
In this lesson, 5th graders use their prior knowledge and inference skills to determine uses of unfamiliar objects. They participate in group discussions and analyze the key information they have in order to reach conclusions.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Sl.4.5: Add Audio Recordings and Visual Displays to Presentations
Links to 31 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard SL.4.5: Add audio recordings and visual displays to presentations when appropriate to enhance to development of main ideas or themes.
Your Image From the Platform
This site relates your image to your presentation. For example, in speeches to inform, you want people to direct their attention to you so that they understand the information you are providing. This site will give suggestions on how to...
Florida Center for Reading Research
Florida Center for Reading Research: Text Analysis: Matter of Fact or Opinion [Pdf]
A lesson plan in which students work with a partner to write facts and opinions on different word cards. Materials are included.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Picturing Parts of Speech
For this lesson plan students use digital cameras to take pictures which illustrate various parts of speech, then insert the pictures into a digital slideshow presentation and write sentences about the pictures.