Ad What's the Big Idea? Integrating Young Adult Literature
Drawing on New York City teachers' experiences, this article examines three ways to effectively integrate young adult literature into the curriculum: use core texts (usually novels, but also other genres as well) that the entire class...
Education Development Center
Tv411: Strategies for Better Reading: Activities 3 of 3
Use these eight multiple choice passages to practice summarizing the main idea of a paragraph.
Read Write Think: Poetry: Sound and Sense
Lesson that gently encourages the teaching of poetry in "nonthreatening" ways. Stresses reading and listening, discussion, and the examination of the sound and sense of poetry.
Read Write Think: Teaching Poetry Through Riddles
Excellent teaching resource that attempts to teach poetic concepts to middle schoolers by using riddles. Discusses riddles' use of metaphor, simile, and imagery, and relates these concepts to the students' understanding of poetry....
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understanding Poetry
You will learn how to find the meanings of words through analogy and other word relationships.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 2 (English I Reading)
Read carefully in order to identify allusion, imagery, metaphor, and symbolism and to evaluate their impact on the meaning of a text. RL.9-10.9 alllusions to other works.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Literary Terminology: Practice 5 (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] You will practice using terminology critical for comprehension, interpretation, and analysis of poetry, drama, and fiction.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Development of Characters Through Literary Devices
Rcognize how literary devices such as character foils can create complex characters in a short story.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Literary Nonfiction (English 7 Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn how to describe the structural and substantive differences between an autobiography or diary and a fictional adaptation of it.
Poets' Graves: Glossary of Poetic Terms
A quite extensive glossary of poetic terms, using examples primarily from British poetry. Terms range from "abecedarian poem" to "zeugma" and very little is left out in between.
Scholastic: National Poetry Month
A bunch of great poetry resources and lessons! Each lesson lists grade appropriateness. Although this site was created with national poetry month in mind, most of the lessons can be used any time of year.
Common Lit: Icu
A learning module that begins with "ICU" by Grace Chua, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online through free teacher and student...
Pbs Parents: Creativity Haiku
Using this activity students can test their understanding of language and poetry by creating a Haiku using the word tiles in the box. Teachers and parents check out the interact, understand and expand buttons for more activities.
McGraw Hill
Mc Graw Hill: How to Teach Close Reading With Complex Texts
This instructional video demonstrates ways to incorporate "close reading" with complex text. [56:53]
New Zealand Ministry of Education
Nz Ministry of Education: Playing Around With Poetry
Students listen to and read various texts using figurative language including a ballad, poetry (Haiku, Cinquain, Limmerick) and rap music. They discuss language, meaning and ideas in a range of texts, relating their understanding to...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 2 (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] As you work through this lesson, you will learn how to interpret poetry. You will learn how to spot a metaphor, you will learn to identify imagery, and you will be introduced...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: 6.1 Writing About Literature: Analyzing Prose
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Learn to analyze prose by understanding connotation and denotation, identifying metaphors and similes, looking for repetition, and finding imagery in a text.
Arts Now Learning: Reading With Cups, and More! [Pdf]
In this lesson, students will explore how music and language arts naturally overlap to promote literacy as they cultivate their creative and critical thinking.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Examples of Winter's Early Imagist Poetry
Two very good examples of imagist poetry. Links to author.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Expressing Yourself With Poetry
Two classes at different schools or across the hall share dramatic poetry presentations as part of a poetry unit. Students listen to poetry, practice reading poetry, and (if practical) participate in a distance learning program on...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Tp Castt
This strategy helps students refine their understanding of poetry to meet reading expectations, engage in group conversations to meet speaking and listening expectations, prepare for writing about texts, and engage in language analysis...
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Ela Guidebooks: Annotating Text
This strategy helps students refine their understanding of texts to meet reading expectations and prepare for writing about texts.
Pbs Learning Media: The Road to Representation Creating the Crunchy Life Kid's Series
This blog focuses on a teacher's need to fill in the gaps for reading strategies and the priority to improve comprehension and overall reading development. She explains the strategies to meet the above goals.