Santa Ana Unified School District
The Giver
Wouldn't it be great to live an a community without pain, without danger? Such a society is the goal of the community in The Giver. Using Lois Lowry's dystopian novel as the core text, class members read primary source materials...
Prestwick House
Vocabulary in Context: Inside the World of Wizards
Enter the world of Harry Potter and learn new vocabulary at the same time. A high-interest reading passage provides insight into the history of Harry Potter. Follow-up activities incorporate key vocabulary strategies, such as using...
Syracuse City School District
Greek and Latin Roots, Prefixes, and Suffixes
How can adding a prefix or suffix to a root word create an entirely new word? Study a packet of resources that focuses on Greek and Latin roots, as well as different prefixes and suffixes that learners can use for easy reference.
Curated OER
Using Prefixes, Suffixes and Root Words to Improve College Level Vocabulary
Grow vocabulary skills with an understanding of affixes and word roots. Included here are a few activities and plenty of materials you can use to support your learners as the focus on building vocabulary.
Curriculum Corner
8th Grade ELA "I Can" Statement Posters
Eighth grades can master the ELA Common Core standards! Show your learners the connection between classroom activities and assignments and the standards with this set of "I Can" statement posters. Each standard has been rewritten as an...
Curriculum Corner
8th Grade ELA Common Core Checklists
How close are your eighth graders to mastering the ELA Common Core standards? Keep an eye on progress with these charts, which include every eighth grade identifier and full standard text. As you move through the year and teach,...
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition
Building Vocabulary: Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes
Word roots, prefixes, and suffixes can hold the key to determining the meaning of a host of different words. Included here are five pages of prefixes, roots, and suffixes paired with their meanings and example words.
Curated OER
Vocabulary and Concept Development
Considering a lesson on Greek and Latin roots and affixes? The Latin roots bas and pos, and the Greek root bas are the focus on a colorful, animated presentation that will engage your learners and provide guided and independent practice...
Pennington Publishing
Vocabulary Worksheet #1 & #2
These two worksheets cover several grammatical topics. Pupils work on words with multiple meanings, Greek and Latin word parts, word connotations, academic language, and more. The result is seven quick exercises that could be used...
Curated OER
What Does PAN Mean?
Do your middle school scholars need practice decoding words while reading or for spelling? The root word pan is the focus of a nine-step lesson that asks learners to discover ways to figure out the meaning of words built on a root that...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Building a Better Vocabulary
A wonderful site for the vocabulary enthusiast. Includes ways to build your vocabulary, resource suggestions, information about word roots, a section on suffixes and prefixes, as well as some higher-level word quizzes.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Prefixes and Suffixes
This tutorial focuses on prefixes and suffixes; it defines prefix, suffix, and affix. It offers a YouTube music video rapping about prefixes, suffixes, and roots; it also provides lists of common prefixes and suffixes with their meanings...
Learn That Word: Root Words & Prefixes: Quick Reference
Excellent reference tool listing prefixes and roots together alphabetically along with definitions and examples.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understand New Vocabulary Using Roots and Affixes
Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understand New Vocabulary Using Roots and Affixes
Determine the meaning of grade-level academic English words derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Reading: Understand New Vocabulary Using Roots and Affixes
In this lesson, you will learn about two kinds of affixes - prefix and suffix. Prefixes are attached, before a root or base word, and suffixes to the end of a word. You'll learn how all three word parts are keys to unlocking the meanings...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understand New Vocabulary Using Roots and Affixes
This lesson focuses on learning new vocabulary by using prefixes, suffixes, and roots. It includes a brief history of affixes and learning exercises.
University of California
Can the English Language Survive?
Due to the "reliance on electronic media, rampant proliferation of homophonous misuses of the English language" has taken place. Test your knowledge on this quiz of homophones.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Taking the "Un" Out of "Unwritten"
In this lesson, students will use a the rap song about prefixes, suffixes and roots and the song "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. Students will be engaged as they are practice their understanding of prefixes, suffixes and roots. Then...
Vocabulary University
My 14 Prefixes in Word Puzzles
This page offers links to 112 vocabulary words from these 14 prefix word game puzzles (eight words for each prefix). Select the prefix; links are: AB - AD - BE - COM - DE - DIS - EN - EX - IN - PRE - PRO - RE - SUB - UN. Then select the...
Vocabulary University
My Root Word Lessons
This is an index of links to activities using root words. These activities are separated into 3 levels of difficulty. These interactive, vocabulary puzzles and activities use Latin and Greek "roots and cells" to help unlock word... 100 Sat Words Beginning With "A"
This site contains a list of 100 words from the SAT that begin with the letter "A". Teachers can digitally assign this list to their students to reinforce the spellings, pronunciations, and meanings of these words. All You Need Is Love: Amor and Phil
This site contains a list of 14 words that contain "amor" or "philos", word roots that mean "love", in them. Teachers can digitally assign this list to their students to reinforce and practice the spellings, pronunciations, and meanings...
Vocabulary University
My Word Roots Lesson 5:nat Tract Sequ:word Roots #5 Intermediate
This lesson plan features the Latin roots NAT = be born; TRACT = pull, draw; SEQU/SECU = follow. Choose 1 of the 8 different word puzzle activities from the list below. Each word puzzle will have directions, a clue and a vocabulary word...