Sophia Learning
Sophia: Outlining Plot
This video tutorial focuses on outlining plot; it explains that we outline plot as a way to analyze it; to analyze plot, focus on main events and interaction involving main characters. It offers three methods for outlining plot:...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Reflection Papers
This tutorial focuses on reflection papers; it defines them, provides common components and purpose, it offers ways to get at your feelings and organize your paper in a slideshow, and offers information about putting it all together and...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Revising Thesis and Topic Sentences
This tutorial focuses on revising the thesis and topic sentences using two videos and two slideshows. The first video discusses a 3-step revising process for making sure the thesis fits the paper; the second video focuses on what...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Revising Thesis and Topic Sentences
A series of notes and lessons focused on writing thesis statements and topic sentences. The lesson begins with a four-page downloadable PDF containing information about the function and form of a thesis statement as well as how to...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Revision Technique: Thesis and Support
This slideshow lesson focuses on assessing and revising the thesis, topic sentences, and supporting details in a paper. It uses the analogy of the body: the thesis and topic sentences are the bones and the supporting details are the...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Topic Sentences: Map Your Way to Writing One
This tutorial on writing topic sentences includes 2 videos, 2 slide shows, and an audio clip. The first YouTube video explains the 4 parts of a topic sentence and tells where topic sentences belong. The 2 slide shows focus on the MAP...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Analytical Papers: Organization
This slideshow tutorial focuses on organizing an analytical paper; it defines analysis and outlines the basic five- paragraph essay format. It discusses what goes into the introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. It...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Build a Rubric
Rubrics provide students with clear expectations and consistent feedback. Build a customizable rubric that can be used for any writing activity your class might be completing.
University of Washington
University of Washington: Patterns of Organization
In addition to defining and describing various patterns of text organization, this website provides outlines illustrating each pattern. RI.11-12.3 Text development
Sophia Learning
Sophia: I Just Got Assigned a Paper, Now What?
This lesson focuses on what to do after being assigned a paper; it provides the basic steps to writing a paper: brainstorm topics, organize your thoughts (Venn diagrams, tree diagram examples), conduct preliminary research, create a...
Harvard University
Harvard University: Strategies for Essay Writing
This website provides a series of links to detailed information about each segment of how to write an academic essay from how to read the assignment to the final edits. Use the links to the right. W.9-10.1a claims/intro/org, W.9-10.2a...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Strengthening Introduction, Thesis Statement, and Organization
You will learn revision strategies you can use to strengthen your introduction and body of your paper. W.11-12.2a Intro/Format
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Reading for Main Idea and Supporting Ideas (English Iii Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] You will learn to find and analyze the main idea and supporting ideas in a variety of texts.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Developing a Thesis and Introduction (English Iii Writing)
In this lesson, students will learn how to develop a thesis and an introduction for a research project. W.11-12.2a Intro/Format
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Prewriting
This tutorial focuses on prewriting using graphic organizers to fit the type of paper required. The video discusses the following graphic organizers: chain of events, cycle charts, looking at both sides of an issue, sequence ladder, Venn...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Analyze Controlling Idea or Thesis, Purpose, and Textual Elements
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson focuses on how to locate the controlling idea and specific purpose in a text and analyze the roles they play in understanding what you read. You will analyze the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Teaching Students to Compose a Power Essay [Pdf]
The Power Essay, like the power paragraph, focuses on helping students understand the structure of a piece of expository writing. The "power" concept teaches students to organize their ideas according to levels of specificity and to...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization: Chronological Order
This learning module provides an explanation of the chronological order text structure. An explanation of the chronological text structure is provided, and a video tutorial lesson is provided to supplement this lesson [1:04] Additional...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization: Sequence
This learning module provides an explanation of the text structure for sequence. An explanation of the text structure for a sequence is provided, and chronological order text structure is demonstrated in a video tutorial lesson [1:24]
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Creating Subtopic Headings
An excellent tip sheet on how to group information after brainstorming and prewriting.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Making an Outline
A tip sheet on how to create and outline for a research paper.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Research Topic Ideas
A comprehensive and in-depth list of possible topics and ideas for research papers from the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization: Order of Importance
This site provides an explanation of the order of importance text structure. A diagram is provided to provide to supplement the explanation.
Grammarly Handbook: Planning
Tips for planning an essay. Links to additional information on the topics Assess the Situation, Think about Writing Ideas, How to Write a Thesis Statement, and How to Write an Outline are provided.