Vocabulary University

My vocabulary.com: Holocaust

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This is a collection of vocabulary puzzles and activities using a list of 16 vocabulary words pertaining to the Holocaust. It also provides an extensive wordlist on the topic (368).
Vocabulary University

My vocabulary.com: Winter Weather

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This page offers vocabulary puzzles and activities using 34 vocabulary words pertaining to Winter Weather. It also provides an extensive winter vocabulary list, lesson plan ideas, and information about ice depth and snowflakes.
Palomar Community College District

Palomar College: Reading an Informational Text

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Glenn Foss, an instructor at Palomar College, discusses some possible reasons why students have problems reading and recalling textbook material. Provides an outline for seven steps of effectively reading assigned material.

Spark Notes: Language and Cognition: Theories of Language Acquisition

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Discusses the two main influences on language acquisition - environmental as put forward by G.F. Skinner, and biological as espoused by Noam Chomsky.
Lesson Plan

Microsoft: Map Reading in the 21st Century

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Students learn how to make informed use of new digital mapping information and tools. Learners create hands-on learning experiences for understanding the relevance of maps. The lesson plan consists of student activities, resources,...

Uni Learning: Strategies for Reading Journal Articles

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Clear explanation of how journal articles tend to be structured, as well as tips for extracting information from each part. Includes sample, color-coded exercises.
Unit Plan
E Reading Worksheets

E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
This site discusses the topic of patterns of organization of paragraphs. Links with video content and further explanations about the following patterns of organization topics are provided: sequence, spatial, cause and effect; order of...
University of Illinois

University of Illinois Extension: Strategies for Empowering Students

For Students Pre-K - 1st Standards
Use this site to focus on character education and building an understanding of diversity and cultural heritage. This excellent site provides classroom activity exercises for students in the primary, intermediate, and upper level. It is a...
Professional Doc

Colorin Colorado: Connect Students' Background Knowledge to Content

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st Standards
In this article, teachers will learn strategies for connecting with students' background knowledge to engage ELL students. Research is used to support the strategies, and web links are provided for additional resources to support...
Unit Plan
E Reading Worksheets

E Reading Worksheets: Main Idea Structure and Valentine's Day Worksheet

For Students 6th - 9th Standards
Written exercises related to identifying the main ideas and details are provided on this module. Students will enjoy learning about Valentine's Day in these text structure exercises.
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Art History: Cuneiform and the Invention of Writing

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Article discussing early forms of writing in the Ancient Near East. Includes links to additional information.
National Archives (UK)

National Archives Learning Curve: How to Read a Document

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
This site is a lesson on Document Analysis using a letter written by Anthony Eden to PM Chamberlain in late 1937.
Stanford University

Stanford University: Spatial History Project

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Several individual projects are going on under the umbrella of the Spatial History Project. These projects are developed and worked on by students, staff, and scholars as they expand studies within the humanities through spatial,...
Study Guide
Ohio Test Prep

Ohio Test Prep: Module 7: Economics Skills

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Learning module on economic skills prepares students for Ohio state tests in Social Studies by provides specific information on comparing data sets. Includes video tutorial, interactive review games, and module assessment.
Lesson Plan
TES Global

Tes: The Media: Understanding Key Media Areas

For Teachers 4th - 9th Standards
[Free Registration/Login Required] During this unit of study, students will analyze several types of advertisements. Students will analyze how authors pay attention to the language and visuals to appeal to their audiences.
Colorado State University

Colorado State Writing Center: Critical Reading

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
In-depth instructions on critical reading with lots of links to more reading guides and activities. A good site to help improve reading skills to become a better writer.
United Nations

Unesco: Education: Most Influential Theories of Learning

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Concise descriptions of the major theories of learning.

The Dbq Project

For Students Pre-K - 1st Standards
Teach students how to read with understanding, think straight, and write clearly using document-based questions.
Annenberg Foundation

Annenberg Learner: Letters: Use Your Document Detective Skills

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Read three letters, one at a time, about events of historical significance. Identify the region and era particular to each letter, and answer additional questions about the information it contains.
Professional Doc
21st Century Schools

21st Century Schools: Critical Viewing Skills and Media Literacy

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Understand media literacy as it relates to a student's ability to analyze, evaluate, critique and produce multiple media messages. Information and links to inspire students, teachers and all those who work with young people regarding...

Responsible Thinking: Analyzing Arguments and Evidence

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Contains many points to consider when analyzing someone's arguments and evidence, such as the hidden assumptions, cultural assumptions, and testability. Each is explained in a short paragraph with a link to additional discussions on...

Nova Southeastern Univ: Research Paradigms and Meaning Making: A Primer [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This paper is intended as an introduction to research methodology and how scientists construct meaning from a qualitative data analysis. (Published 2005)

Scholastic Teaching Resources: Informational Reading Response [Pdf]

For Teachers 1st - 9th Standards
This graphic organizer can be used with students when they read informational text. Students will write three facts they learned, two questions they still have after reading, and one interesting fact that they want to share.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Analyze Graphical Sources: Practice 2 (English I Reading)

For Students 9th Standards
Analyze the factual, quantitative, and technical data in graphs and charts.