Thinkport Education
Thinkport: Researching With Reliable Web Sources
A module to learn essential skills needed to research a topic.
Thinkport Education
Thinkport: Research Simulation Task
Engage in a research process by analyzing a variety of print and non-print texts on the subject of bullying, identifying evidence regarding the topic, and using this new information to respond to questions about the text and the topic.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue Online Writing Lab: Literature Topics and Research
This comprehensive source provides a breakdown of key elements in writing and research.
Georgia Department of Education
Georgia Virtual Learning: Nonfiction and Mla Format
In this module, students will learn about nonfiction and the research process as it pertains to writing about nonfiction. Also students will learn MLA (Modern Language Association) Format and practice using MLA format in writing and...
Education Development Center
Making Mathematics: Mathematics Research Teacher Handbook: Getting Information
Information for teachers on teaching students how to research and write on mathematical topics. Includes tips for active reading, researching online and journal sources, and conducting interviews to gather information.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: The Research Paper in Progress
Follow a student reasearch paper from prewriting to drafting to final copy, and read the student tutor's comments along the way. This site provides links through several successive pages.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Wacky "Box of Rocks" Assignment
Inspired by Barry Lane's book 51 Wacky We-Search Reports, in this cross-curricular lesson, students learn how to summarize properly.
W. W. Norton
W. W. Norton & Company: Lit Web: The Research Essay
Information about writing a research essay including: generating a topic, generating a thesis, research, and more.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Practice: Constructing a Working Thesis
In this interactive lesson, students will refer to a synthesis grid to determine the "best" thesis to use when answering a business management question.
Simpson College: Writing Assistance: Research Papers
This resource provides writing assistance to users, including an area about research papers.
Grammarly Handbook: Organization
A list of the six parts of a thesis paper with links to more information on each.
Grammarly Handbook: Research
A list of the six steps of the research process with links to more information on each.
Grammarly Handbook: The End
A list of text requirements that may be necessary after the conclusion of a research paper.
Quia: Research Game
This activity provides a challenge board game to review information necessary for writing a research paper.
Read Write Think: I Search Chart
A printable inquiry search graphic organizer to help students organize questions and sub questions while working through the research process. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching ideas and...
Read Write Think: Improving Student Writing Through Critical Thinking
Contains plans for a lesson plan about writing draft letters, or reflective letters about pieces of writing that students are submitting to an instructor. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to...
Beginning Reporting: Working With News Sources
Maintaining the right balance of familiarity and distance with your sources is key to good reporting. Journalist Jim Hall offers a few more tips on the human side of dealing with news sources.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Research Paper Topics
This Ereading article discusses the importance of choosing the "right" research topic. Afterwards, 101 possible research paper topics are listed. W.11-12.7 Research
Cornell University
Cornell University: Finding Periodicals and Periodical Articles
This resource offers a good look at periodicals as a source of information, and offers help for finding articles in a variety of situations.
Market Connections: Research Faq
This page offers explanations of research methods and how they work. Though aimed at businesses, it provides good information about conducting school research as well.
Free Management Library
Free Management Library: Basic Business Research Methods
A comprehensive resource that details research methods and interview designs along with information on how to conduct a focus group.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: In Text Citations: Lesson 6
This lesson introduces in-text citations and how to embed them in text. It is 6 of 7 in the series titled "In-Text Citations." W.9-10.8 Sources
Rice University
Rice University: Writing Research Papers
This site presents information about the necessary parts of a scientific research report. It also contains a sample abstract and introduction.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Elements of a Research Paper
All the basics of writing the research paper are presented here very succinctly. Links to more in-depth looks at various steps are provided.