Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Burst Into Jolly Multiplication/division Factors
The following lesson will serve as a hands-on math activity reviewing the 2's and 3's multiplication and division factors. Students will examine the relationship between multiplication and division using Starburst and Jolly Rancher candy...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Fast Track to Multiplication Facts
In this lesson, students will learn how to use tricks to master multiplication facts. Students will be introduced to the only 15 facts they must know to master multiplication facts through 9X11 with the prerequisite that they know the...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Math: 3rd Grade: Multiply by 9 (Practice)
Math practice exercise on multiplying by 9.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Quotients Just the Basics
Just like multiplication, addition, and subtraction, division problems involve patterns and there are methodical ways in which manipulatives can be used to solve division problems with small dividends and divisors of 1 through 10.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Powerful Protein
The ability to making informed decisions about nutrition is built on using multiplication, division, and an understanding of grams and portion size.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Testing Trail Mix
Create a snack for testing week while practicing division and multiplication.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Multiplication Facts With Arrays
Third graders are expected to fluently multiply and divide within 100. This allows students to practice their math facts and then check their work using area models.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Understanding Multiplication With Equal Groups
Third graders develop their understanding of multiplication by grouping objects into equal groups to model the factors and products.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Using the Multiplication and Division Relationship to Solve
Third graders can solve multiplication and division problems quickly by recognizing the relationship between the two operations.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: The Multiplication and Division Connection
Third graders can solve multiplication and division problems quickly by recognizing the relationship between the two operations.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Length X Width
Breaking figures into smaller squares and rectangles allows me to multiply to find the area
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Math: 3rd Grade: Understand Commutative Property of Multiplication
Math practice exercise on understanding the commutative property of multiplication, e.g.,using an array.
Mathigon: Multiplication by Heart
These beautiful flash cards use spaced repetition to teach multiplication facts. Achieve fluency with just five minutes of practice per day!
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Exploring the Idea of Division
Third graders will observe and try to model slightly above-level division problems as they practice expressing math questions and possible solutions in mathematical terms.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Carnival Parade in Rio: Division
Students will proceed through several learning games to explore division with remainders.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Amazon River Boat Trip: Multiplication Tables 7 and 8
Students will complete exercises on multiplication using learning games.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Hamburger Restaurant: Multiplication
On this interactive site students practice multiplication skills. At the end of the lesson students will be able to perform multiplication facts, find the connection between addition and multiplication and use multiplication to solve...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Fashion Store: Multiplication Tables 3 and 6
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real life scenario at a fashion store. Those skills include practicing multiplication facts for threes and sixes.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Llama Farm: Multiplication Facts
On this interactive site students learn to remember multiplication facts for all tables, understand the term product, and list multiples for given numbers.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Soccer Stadium: Pattern and Function
Enrique plays soccer. Can you help him find patterns?
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Penguins: Division
This interactive site allows students to practice their division skills. At the end of the lesson students will be able to divide mentally using divisibility tests, solve word problems using division strategies, and use a written...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Igloo: Multiplication
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real life scenario with a hockey team. Those skills include completing multiplication facts up to 100, making a list of multiples of a number, and locating factors...
Nearpod: Multiplication Facts
In this instructional activity on multiplication facts, 3rd graders learn multiplication properties, explore equal groups, and apply their learning to a real-world situation.
Nearpod: Multiplying by Two
In this lesson on multiplying by two, students learn about equal groups, explore word problems, and apply their learning to a real-world scenario.