Yummy Math
Brian was devastated when Hostess® filed for bankruptcy, and he was also fearful that his favorite snack treat would be lost forever. The snack food was in danger of being lost, your class won't be lost when using Twinkies® as the...
Curated OER
Delicious Chipotle burritos are a big treat, especially when they are offered for only $2.00. This Halloween-themed learning experience isn't tricky, but learners will need to think critically about division with large numbers in order...
Lesson Snips
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions
Multiplying and dividing fractions can be simple! Help your students access these skills using this fractions worksheet, where they will first learn the steps by reading short informational text. The instructions are good, however the...
Curated OER
Visual Fractions
Leanrers observe models of fractions and use a calculator to represent numbers as decimals, fractions, and percents. They participate in calculator activities to view different representations of the same number.
Curated OER
Estimating with Rational Numbers
Students explore the concept of rounding. In this rounding activity, students round fractions and mixed numbers. Students estimate the sums, differences, products, and quotients of rounded fractions and mixed numbers.
Curated OER
Fraction Decimal Challenge
Pupils explore the concept of fractions and decimals as they try to find as many fractions as possible that are equivalent to .25. Learners use their calculator to take screen shots and send them to the teacher via Ti-Navigator. They...
Student Achievement Partners
Illustrative Mathematics: Banana Pudding [Pdf]
Students are given a concrete example to solve multiplication and division of fractions in this lesson activity.
Ohio Department of Education: Models for Dividing Fractions [Pdf]
This resource consists of a detailed, hands-on lesson plan for dividing fractions using manipulatives such as fraction bars.
Utah Education Network
Uen: Modeling Multiplication and Division of Fractions
Detailed lesson plan for multiplying and dividing fractions using visual models such as a number line or fraction bars.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Fraction King
Students and teacher play a game called "Fraction King" to understand the idea of taking fractional parts of whole numbers then use manipulatives and several computer applets to cement the idea.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Music Center: Fractions & Decimals
Meet Marissa who manages a Music Center in Australia. Can you help her decide how many seats she sold?
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Fourths
Students can review the fraction concept of fourths using this interactive site.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Dividing Fractions by Fractions
Students review how to divide fractions by fractions. Practice problems are included.
Visual Fractions
Visual Fractions: Divide Fractions With Circles
Students explore dividing fractions using the given visuals. Click explain for additional help.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Dividing Fractions
In this activity, students make use of a visual representation for dividing fractions. They also discover the numerical algorithm used to divide fractions.
Ixl Learning: Divide Fractions by Whole Numbers Using Models
Practice dividing fractions by whole numbers with numbers using models.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Running to School
This is the easiest problem in a series of three tasks involving fraction multiplication that can be solved with pictures or number lines. Aligns with 5.NF.B.6.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 5.nf Standing in Line
The purpose of this task is for students to solve a problem in context that can be solved in different ways, but in particular by dividing a whole number by a unit fraction. Aligns with 6.NS.A.1.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Dividing by One Half
This task requires students to recognize both "number of groups unknown" (part (a)) and "group size unknown" (part (d)) division problems in the context of a whole number divided by a unit fraction. It also addresses a common...
Mangahigh: Number: Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
This site provides students practice with the concept of mixed numbers and improper fractions. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Number: Add and Subtract Fractions
This site provides students practice with the concept of adding and subtracting fractions. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Number: Division With Fractions
Test your knowledge of dividing fractions by fractions and fractions by integers.
Mangahigh: Number: Common Fractions
Conert fractions, decimals, and percents to their equivalent forms.