Area Model Decimals
Area works with decimals too. Pupils use the interactive to model multiplication of two decimals using an area model. They see how the decomposed components of the factors obtain partial products and then the complete product. Using area...
Open Text Book Store
Arithmetic for College Students: Worksheets
Loaded with concepts ranging from multiplying decimals to converting units to solving problems using the order of operations, a thorough practice packet is perfect for a fifth or sixth grade math classroom.
West Contra Costa Unified School District
Multiplying Fractions
Three pages make up a reference document designed to assist families in providing the information needed for their children succeed in mathematics. Detailed descriptions and labeled examples showcase how to multiply fractions.
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Assessment for the California Mathematics Standards Grade 5
Test young mathematicians' knowledge with an assessment aligned to California's fifth grade state standards. The exam covers a multitude of concepts including fractions and decimals, positive and negative numbers, measurement; and...
Fractions Packet
Your fifth graders will appreciate the simple, direct explanations, examples, and practice exercises in this well-organized unit on fractions. Beginning with an introduction to fractions, the packet flows smoothly through the fraction...
Illustrative Mathematics
Grass Seedlings
Plants never grow at the same rate, and that is the antithesis for this word problem involving multiplication of fractions. On the activity, Raul notices that Pablo's seedlings are 1 1/2 times as tall, and Celina's seedlings are 3/4 as...
Illustrative Mathematics
Calculator Trouble
When is not solving the expression the correct answer? When you are checking the understanding of a math concept that is not number dependent. The real question being asked here is to look at the initial number, fraction, mixed number,...
Curated OER
Comparing a Number and a Product
Mental math strategies are important for fifth graders to be able to determine the greater sum without actually solving the equations. As a summative assessment, this eight-problem worksheet can give insight into the understanding of the...
Illustrative Mathematics
In order to solve for who raised the most money, learners will need to choose an appropriate math strategy or tool to help them. Two possible solutions, one involving pictures and one involving abstract thought, are presented in the...
Illustrative Mathematics
Painting a Wall
Red and yellow do not make orange in this activity, but they do create a real-life, multiplication of fractions word problem. As either a lead-in or an assessment, math masters display their understanding of 1/2 x 5/6 when a wall...
Illustrative Mathematics
Running a Mile
The single question in this activity has multiple ways to be solved. Two boys ran a mile. Their times were similar, except one time was a fraction of the other. Who ran faster? In demonstrating the answer to this problem, upper graders...
Illustrative Mathematics
Reasoning about Multiplication
In critiquing someone else's theory, learners share insight into their own understanding of mathematical concepts. Fifth graders will explore the notion that products are always larger than their factors. While this statement is...
Pbs Learning Media: Area Models for Multiplication of Fractions
An interactive for investigating what fraction multiplication looks like. Students choose two fractions to multiply, then observe as one fraction bar model is overlaid on the second, showing the common grid area as the product. Students...
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Comparing Fractions With the Same Denominator
This resource describes how to compare fractions with like denominators and provides an opportunity for students to practice the skill through self-checking exercises and games.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Mathopolis: Fractions
Ten interactive questions on adding and subtracting fractions. Each question is supported by a detailed explanation of the solution.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Connor and Makayla Discuss Multiplication
The purpose of this task is to have students think about the meaning of multiplying a number by a fraction, and use this burgeoning understanding of fraction multiplication to make sense of the commutative property of multiplication in...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Half of a Recipe
This is the third problem in a series of three tasks involving fraction multiplication that can be solved with pictures or number lines. Aligns with 5.NF.B.6.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Comparing a Number and a Product
The purpose of this task is for students to compare a number and its product with other numbers that are greater than and less than one. Aligns with 5.NF.B.5.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: To Multiply or Not to Multiply?
Many real world problems appear similar. Even when children might know what operation to choose when the problem only involves whole numbers, they often are confused with fractions. It is also important for students to know that 18x25 is...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Making S'mores
The purpose of this instructional task is to motivate a discussion about adding fractions and the meaning of the common denominator. The different parts of the task have learners moving back and forth between the abstract representation...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Finding Common Denominators to Subtract
Part (a) of this task asks students to use two different denominators to subtract fractions. The purpose of this is to help students realize that any common denominator will work, not just the least common denominator. Part (b) does not...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Finding Common Denominators to Add
Part (a) of this task asks students to find and use two different common denominators to add the given fractions. The purpose of this question is to help students realize that they can use any common denominator to find a solution, not...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Mixed Numbers With Unlike Denominators
The purpose of this task is to help students realize there are different ways to add mixed numbers and is most appropriate for use in an instructional setting. The two primary ways one can expect students to add are converting the mixed...
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: Egyptian Fractions
One goal of this task is to help students develop comfort and ease with adding fractions with unlike denominators. Another goal is to help them develop fraction number sense by having students decompose fractions. Aligns with 5.NF.A.1.