Health Smart Virginia
In preparation for a game in which they guess the type of communication used in a scenario, scholars examine and discuss the four types of communication: passive, aggressive, assertive, and passive-aggressive. Learners identify "I"...
Health Smart Virginia
Rule Development
A class discussion defines what it means to make the classroom a safe environment. To make their classroom safe, small groups work collaboratively to create a list of characteristics that make up successful learners. Groups share their...
Health Smart Virginia
Conflict Resolution
A lesson introduces the Peace Corner—a safe place to communicate feelings and problem solve. To gain practice, scholars role-play scenarios that require conflict resolution. Peers speak, listen, brainstorm solutions, shake hands, then...
Health Smart Virginia
Social Emotional Skills
A list of seven ideas designed to boost social-emotional learning provides ample opportunity for identifying and expressing feelings. Activities include ice-breakers, role-playing, thoughtful discussions, and more.
Health Smart Virginia
Feeling Disappointment or Grief?
Grief and disappointment are the focus of a instructional activity designed to encourage scholars to share their feelings. Following a presentation, the class listens to read-aloud, examines scenarios, and discusses appropriate ways to...
Health Smart Virginia
Self Image
A 14-slide presentation walks a class through a lesson on self-image. While responding to scenarios and answering questions thoughtfully, scholars use pictures to complete a worksheet that offers describing words, emphasizes their inner...
Health Smart Virginia
Sporting Behavior
A game of Cooperation Tag and a Rock, Paper, Scissors Champion Challenge plays to the positive impact of good sporting behavior on one's social-emotional development. Scholars participate in these games with their peers then thoroughly...
California Department of Education
Who Am I?
Inspire scholars to strive for a career in a field they love. Using a game that looks at likes and dislikes, learners discover their Holland code using a three-interest area survey. With their targeted interests confirmed, pupils...
Health Smart Virginia
A list of activities inspires self-awareness and mindfulness. Scholars practice identifying emotions and expressing their feelings while using their hands, mind, and social skills to complete tasks. Activities include story...
Health Smart Virginia
Let’s Talk Emotions
A presentation guides a discussion and opportunity for role-playing about identifying and talking about emotions. To begin, scholars share memories of happiness and unhappiness and how they responded to specific feelings. Then, learners...
California Department of Education
What’s the Market for My Labor?
A lesson showcases how knowing about Labor Market Information (LMI) supports searching for future job opportunities. Following a review of the concept and other vocabulary terms, scholars research occupations and answer questions on...
California Department of Education
Learning About Myself
After completing an interest survey, peers group together based on similar likes. They work collaboratively to create a poster that highlights their interests. Groups share their finished products with the class.
Health Smart Virginia
Social Emotional Skills
A list of activity ideas, lessons, and resource links all focus on kindness, empathy, and mindfulness. Five steps offer experience in role-play, crafts, writing, thoughtful discussions, and more!
Health Smart Virginia
Circle of Control with a Kiss
A presentation walks scholars through an exercise of self-control. Using Hershey Kisses, learners listen closely and follow directions, leading them to a worksheet that looks at what they can and can't control. Pupils discuss their...
Health Smart Virginia
Making Partners
Partnering with someone new may be daunting. Here a lesson encourages young peers to work collaboratively in physical activity settings. Following a whole-class discussion, scholars participate in several cooperative activities that...
Health Smart Virginia
Taking Turns
Scholars work cooperatively, taking turns, to boost peer relationships and fairness. Rotating through five stations, players practice tossing, bouncing, push-ups, and working together to clean up fallen equipment, then...
Health Smart Virginia
How Are You Feeling Today?
A presentation guides a thoughtful discussion about identifying emotions. Slide-by-slide, scholars answer questions and offer details about specific feelings. A worksheet challenges class members to draw facial expressions and...
Health Smart Virginia
Social Emotional Skills
Nine activities boost social-emotional competencies. Read through the list and choose what best fits the needs of your class. Activities include thoughtful discussions, creating posters, listening to a read-aloud, and more!
Teachers Pay Teachers
Multiple Intelligence Survey for Kids
Scholars rate 24 statements 0-5 then calculate their responses to discover their preferred intelligence and which intelligences require more practice.
Teachers Pay Teachers
What Kind of Smart Are You
Gain insight into the type of learners that fill your classroom. An eight-question survey asks scholars questions about themselves. Using their color-coded answers, they conclude their degree of intelligence in multiple areas—music,...
Health Smart Virginia
Stress and Emotions
An overview of the 10-resource filled series goes over seven activity ideas in the series. Activities include conducting lessons, class discussions, practicing mindfulness, integrating technology, role-play, and family and peer...
Health Smart Virginia
Caring School Environment Performance Task
In a school scenario, pupils stay home to keep from the teasing and bullying on campus. To combat unkind behavior, small groups survey learners in other grade levels, discuss and summarize their findings, then work together to create a...
Health Smart Virginia
Classified Ad - ISO
Boost self-awareness with a lesson that looks closely at one's image and confidence. Following an informative video and presentation, scholars take part in a discussion then self-reflect using a personal inventory that looks closely at...
Health Smart Virginia
Stress Management Performance Task
Stress management is the focus of a three-part lesson. First, scholars brainstorm a list of activities that decrease stress. Second, they document their feeling about stress—how they feel, their triggers, and calming activity. Finally,...