University of California
Behold, the Great Aztec empire! Scholars use primary sources to understand the impact of the Aztec city Tenochtitlan. Academics complete a worksheet and participate in group discussion to understand how Tenochtitlan was a melting pot for...
University of California
The Virgin of Guadalupe
A worldly resource focuses on the transfer of goods, ideas, and religion that took place as part of the Columbian exchange. Academics view sources such as text and artwork to help them complete a worksheet.
Federal Reserve Bank
Once Upon a Dime: High School Lesson Plan
Who knew that fairy tales and economics go hand-in-hand? Pupils complete a host of handouts, using everything from graphic organizers to short answer questions to reinforce concepts. They also complete a project that builds on everything...
Federal Reserve Bank
Saturday Sancocho
What does stew have to do with bartering? Learners will find out how by reading the story Saturday Sancocho, discussing the text, participating in a bartering activity in class (once with goods only and once with money), and...
Council for Economic Education
Morality in Markets: The Two Faces of Adam Smith
Economist Adam Smith supported free enterprise, he but critiqued mercantilism. These two ideas—seemingly contradictory—may be difficult for some young historians to grasp. A reading that explores these ideas guides scholars in unraveling...
Council for Economic Education
Athens and Olive Oil
Athens had olive oil—and lots of it! However, it needed wheat from the Egyptians. Understanding how societies get what they need through advantage and trade can be complicated. A scripted role-play exercise and in-class production...
Council for Economic Education
Trade in Colonial America / NAFTA
Learners learn the how trade impacted the colonial economy. They analyze the the benefits of NAFTA and learn the advantages to both the United States and Mexico.
Ameri Span Unlimited
AmeriSpan Unlimited provides immersion, intern, and educational tours in Spanish-speaking countries. Information on all programs, job opportunities, and travel resources are provided.
American Field Service (Afs)
American Field Service (AFS) assists students in finding placement in foreign exchange programs. Explore this resource to learn about study abroad opportunities.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Us and Eu Go Bananas Over Trade
Economists generally agree that free trade helps to improve the overall quality of life in countries that participate. However, disagreements do arise concerning trade agreements. This lesson looks at a disagreement between the US and EU...
Scripophily: A Comparative Chronology of Money
Site provides various segments of historical dates from early Babylonian times to present. Time periods provide information about culture and the form of monetary exchange or bartering that took place.
This is a free learning service for people who wish to study the Japanese language. Japanese learners can find and talk to one another and form language exchange relationships with native Japanese speakers. You'll also find four Beginner...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Clipping Coupons
Explore this website to find out how and why consumers make choices on what products to buy. Learn how producers entice consumers into buying their products. This is a very informative lesson plan.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Pennies Make Cents
This is a lesson that allows for students to examine pennies. Includes links to information about coins as well as activities. It also includes information on the history of the penny.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: On the Money
In this lesson, young scholars explore what money is and how it differs around the world. They will compare U.S. currency with play money and with foreign currency. They will then use their knowledge to design their own money.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: What Face Do You Use?
The students will recognize that in order to facilitate the exchange of goods and services, most nations create currency for use as money. They will examine the characteristics of money by comparing and contrasting examples of U.S. and...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: The Story of Jack and the Bank Stalk
Fairy tales have always been used to give lessons about life. The story of Jack and the Bean Stalk is a good lesson about the importance of knowing about money and banks. The story of Jack asks the question, "What is money?"
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Pennies Make Cents
Students will review the history of trade before money and will investigate the history of money. Students will locate information about the first coin authorized by the United States and will learn about the penny.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Bill, Are You Bogus?
In a barter system, people have to trade goods and services for other goods and services. In an economy that produces millions of goods and services, barter is very difficult. Think of all the stuff (goods and services) you have.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: What Is Money? Why Does It Have Value?
In this instructional activity, learners consider the fact that the value of money differs depending on where the money is being spent. In order to understand this idea, students will first develop a deeper understanding of what it means...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: The Higher You Climb, the More You Pay
Students will take a "Virtual Tour" of the Eiffel Tower in Paris France and locate the price of a bottle of water at each viewing platform. They will need to problem solve how to pay for admission, buy the water and be able to pay for...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Fad or Fortune
This lesson focuses on collectibles and how they retain, lose, or gain value. In each round of a trading simulation, students will learn more about the value of their collectibles and discuss why items gain or lose value. They will...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: The Family Vacation
Students will take a surprise trip around the world. As they travel, they will use clues to discover where they are going. They will then figure out how much money they have spent in U.S. dollars, using exchange rates.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: International Trade Creates More and Better Jobs
This lesson explores the relationship between productivity and international trade. Specifically, this lessons shows why there should be fewer trade restrictions rather than more.