Pbs Learning Media: Asthma Tips for Kids
Use these tips to help kids understand asthma in this guide from Arthur: "Buster's Breathless."
Pbs Learning Media: All About Asthma
Teach children about what causes asthma, how it's treated, and what students can do to help their classmates with asthma with this lesson plan from Arthur: "Buster's Breathless".
Pbs Learning Media: Buster's Breathless
This read-aloud story is based on the Arthur episode "Buster's Breathless." As you read, pause to talk about the characters and what's happening in the story.
Pbs Learning Media: Asthma Quiz
Test your children's knowledge of asthma with this quiz from Arthur: "Buster's Breathless."
Pbs Learning Media: Asthma Background Information
Learn about the symptoms of asthma in this guide from Arthur: "Buster's Breathless."
Pbs Learning Media: Asthma Tips for Grown Ups
Use these tips designed for adults to better understand your child's asthma in this guide from Arthur: "Buster's Breathless".
Library of Congress
Loc: Poetry 180: The Green One Over There
This non-prose piece shares a story of jealousy and the tragic illness that occurred in its midst.
Virginia State Department of Agriculture/consumer Sciences: About Food Poisoning
This site about food poisoning discusses Staphylococcus Aureus - what it is, where the common sources of "staph" are, common symptoms, and what can be done to prevent contamination and infection.
Read Works
Read Works: Saving Anna's Family
[Free Registration/Login Required] A literary text about a girl with cancer and the financial an emotional strain it puts on her family. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
National Institutes of Health
Ninds: Anoxia: Hypoxia
This page from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke website has information on Anoxia and Hypoxia, including definitions, treatment, prognosis, research, and references.
National Institutes of Health
Niehs: Enfermedades Provocados Por El Ambiente De a a Z
An A to Z list of illnesses and disorders caused by environmental factors, e.g., asthma, allergies, mercury poisoning, cancer and others. Each is listed with a short, one paragraph overview of the condition and causes.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m Agrilife Extension: Bacterial Food Poisoning
Article that discusses the most common causes of bacterial food poisoning; among these is Staphylococcus Aureus. Staph is discussed individually, with specific information. Also general info is given as to how to prevent bacterial...
Texas Heart Institute
Texas Heart Institute: Heart Information Center: Congestive Heart Failure
This site discusses congestive heart failure, different medicines used to treat it, and surgical procedures which may be necessary.
Pbs Learning Media: Immune Cells in Action
In this video segment from The Secret of Life, watch as a virus attacks a cell, and learn how the immune system reacts to this onslaught. Includes background reading material and discussion questions. [1:40]
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic: First Aid
An A to Z reference guide to administering first aid for dozens of injuries or health conditions.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Pandemics Spread
A discussion about the globalization of disease, and the implications of a pandemic. Mark Honigsbaum describes the history of pandemics and how scientists can help prevent future outbreaks. [8:00]
Stanford University
Stanford Children's Health: Do Parents Influence Their Kid's Health Behaviors?
Research shows that how you react to illness has a lot to do with how your parents reacted to illness when you were a child. As with most other activities, children repeat what they learn from their parents. This article describes...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 11.20 Digestive System Health
Understand digestive health of the human body.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Nclex Rn Questions on Psychotic Disorders 1
Use these practice questions on psychotic disorders to review for the NCLEX-RN test.
Northern Arizona University
Northern Arizona University: Lectures: Congestive Heart Failure Medications
This website describes the function of various drugs used in the treatment of congestive heart failure. It also defines the disease.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Staphylococcus Aureus
This site is provided for by the University of Arizona. Food safety, preparation, and storage tips - related to staphylococcus. A description of what it is and how you can prevent it during food preparation.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: West Nile Virus
This resource, which is provided for by the Center for Disease Control, goes into great detail about West Nile Virus, which can go into encephalitis.
South Dakota Dept. Of Health: Shigellosis
What is it? Who gets it? How is it spread? What are the symptoms? Answers to these and many more questions reagarding shigellosis.
Rx Med: Herpes Zoster
Here, learn what shingles is and how it is caused. Included is information on how to treat the symptoms associated with this disease.