Teach Engineering: Mars and Jupiter
Students explore Mars and Jupiter, the fourth and fifth planets from the Sun. They learn some of the unique characteristics of these planets. They also learn how engineers help us learn about these planets with the design and development...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Mars
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Recognize the features of the planet Mars.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Mars
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Recognize the features of the planet Mars.
Nasa: Space Place: Messenger: Planet Mass Comparison
Compare the masses of planets in this interactive animation. Simply pile a number of Earths on one side of the scale, to balance with the mass of one Jupiter. Then try this with all the planets.
Nasa: Is There Water on Mars?
This educator guide allows teachers and students to explore whether or not there is water on Mars. Download this PDF file and use activities to help explore Mars.
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: An Overview of the Solar System
A detailed overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in the solar system.
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: Asteroids
A plethora of information about Asteroids. This site provides lots of in-text links to information, pictures of asteroids, a table full of information about asteroids, as well as links to more information about asteroids.
Nine Planets
The Nine Planets: Meteors, Meteorites and Impacts
Very informative and in-depth site about meteors, meteorites and their impacts. This site provides lots of text to inform about meteors, lots of pictures of the different types of meteorites, tables and statistics about meteors and...
Read Works
Read Works: What's Up in Space?
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about outer space. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
NPR: National Public Radio
Npr: Destination Mars
This fascinating site from NPR describes the two missions launched on June 11, 2003 to explore Mars and collect evidence that may help scientists solve the many mysteries of Mars. The site contains vivid pictures and links to many...
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Space: Solar System Interactives
Identify the planets in our solar system and discover how much you weigh on another planet with these space interactives.
Pbs Teachers: Welcome to Mars: Mars Up Close Spirit and Opportunity
Take an interactive, narrated tour through some of the most stunning and outlandish images and data sent back by the two Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity. Consider the many reasons why scientists are certain that Mars had a wet past.
Nasa Star Child: Mars, the Red Planet (Level 2)
A general introduction to Mars. Includes a glossary of terms and two images of Mars. Many interspersed links to more graphics and more detailed information about the planet Mars. Also includes a printable version and links to other...
Nasa Star Child: Olympus Mons
General information about the biggest mountain in the solar system, Olympus Mons. Includes one image. Vocabulary words are linked to a glossary of terms.
Nasa Star Child: The Asteroid Belt (Level 1)
Learn about asteroids in our solar system. Discusses where you will find the asteroid belt and what it is. Vocabulary words linked to a glossary of terms and a printable version are available.
A&E Television
History.com: The Space Race: Interactive Universe
A virtual journey through space offers photos and facts about Earth and its neighboring planets, comets, other celestial bodies of the Solar System, and the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.
Mars Quest Online: Drive a Rover
Be the command center directing the Mars rover to points of interest on the surface of the planet. The rover is based on the exploration of Sojourner which was initially only supposed to last seven days.
Nasa Star Child: Star Child
StarChild from NASA defines and describes the Solar System in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. The website is broken down into two versions for the student, grade school and junior high.
The Apollo Society: The Solar System
Contains a small set of images of solar system objects and a series of links to information about all solar system objects. Solar System Tours link to excellent image collections.
Nasa: Mars Pathfinder
Images of Mars from the surface of the Red Planet. The site includes 3-D images and animations of the Mars Pathfinder.
Nasa: Planetary Photojournal
This NASA site provides access to publicly released images from various Solar System exploration programs.
Nasa: Planetary Data Sytem: Welcome to the Planets
Collection of images, with vocalized explanatory captions, of the planets acquired by NASA as part of its exploratory space programs.
Nasa: Mars Exploration
Teachers can request their free Earth/Mars comparison poster from NASA. Also find links to Mars activities and information.
Nasa: Deep Space 2
NASA providese an interactive site for kids to learn about the Deep Space 2 mission.