Curated by
A detailed overview of the history, mythology, and current scientific knowledge of each of the planets and moons in the solar system.
Additional Tags
1999 j 1, armchair astronaut, atlas, comet shoemaker levy 9, extrema, interplanetary medium, nine planets, pan, small bodies, spacecraft, 153 mathilde, 1986u10, 243 ida, 951 gaspra, adrastea, amalthea, ananke, ariel, belinda, bianaca, caliban, callisto, calypso, carme, charon, codelia, cressida, deimos, desdemmona, despina, dione, earth, elara, enceladus, epimetheus, europa, galatea, ganymede, halley's comet, helene, himalia, hyperion, io, janus, juliet, kuiper belt, lapetus, larissa, leda, lysithea, metis, mimas, miranda, naiad, nereid, oberon, oort cloud, ophelia, pandora, pasiphae, phobos, phoebe, portia, prometheus, prospero, proteus, puck, rhea, rosalind, setebos, sinope, stephano, sun, sycorax, telesto, tethys, thalassa, the eight planets: an overview of the solar system, thebe, titan, titania, triton, umbriel, comet halley, moon, general information about the solar system
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 3 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional