Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: Author: Louis Constant Wairy
This is the full text of Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon Bonaparte by Louis Constant Wairy, a man who followed Napoleon in his travels and his campaigns, was at his court, and saw him in the privacy of his family for 15 years.
Pbs: Napoleon Becomes a Man of Destiny (Lesson Plan)
A lesson that explores the theme of destiny in Napoleon's life and that helps students assess the most significant factors that shaped Napoleon's early life. Has a self-reflection component in which students compare their destinies with...
Pbs Teachers: Was Napoleon a Hero or Tyrant? (Lesson Plan)
In this activity, young scholars examine comments from contemporary historians and come to their own conclusions as to whether Napoleon should be defined as a hero or a tyrant. They will explore and discuss historical viewpoints after...
Napoleonic Guide
Ambitious effort to cover the French Revolution and the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. Site contains an impressive amount of information, key terms, books, images. etc.
The Napoleon Series: Letter From Marshal Ney on Battle of Waterloo
A primary source letter written by one of Napoleon's most important commanders at the Battle of Waterloo. In it, he attempts to refute criticisms of his actions during the battle. The letter was published in 1815.
The Napoleon Series: French Orders & Reports From the Battle of Waterloo
This is a collection of actual orders issued by Napoleon to his commanders during the battle plus reports written by his commanders back to him. The documents are in French and English. Use the drop-down box at bottom to page to access...
The Travelling Historian: Napoleon Returns
This site provides a narrative history of Napoleon's return to France from his exile at Elba along with a description and photographs of an annual re-anactment at Golfe Juan.
The Traveling Historian: St. Helena
This site is a narrative history on the exile of Napoleon to the Island St. Helena from 1815 to his death in 1821 along with numerous photos and illustrations.
Linda Hall Library of Science: Napoleon and the Scientific Expedition to Egypt
Exhibition of the scientific and historical inquiries and findings made during the French occupation of Egypt, 1798-1801, under Napoleon's command.
Tom Richey
Tom The French Revolution and Napoleon
Four videos on the French Revolution (from 8 to 14 min. long), a slideshow, and a students' unit guide with primary resources.
Bbc: History: The Battle of Waterloo
An interactive game where the student takes part in the Battle of Waterloo. Choose to be either Wellington or Bonaparte and try to make the decisions that will win the day. Archived.
The History Place
The History Place: Great Speeches Collection
This site from The History Place provides a good selection of historical and relatively modern speeches from many English-speaking countries. Each speech is set up in its historic context. Many are available with audio links.
Unlv: French Revolution: A Chronology
This is a timeline that covers the French Revolution in detail from 1789 to 1799.
Common Lit: Napoleon Bonaparte
A learning module that begins with "Napoleon Bonaparte" by Mike Kubic, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online through free teacher and...
Library of Congress
Loc: America's Story: Louisiana Purchase
This Library of Congress timeline series discusses the Louisiana Purchase.
Black Past
Black Past: Toussaint L'overture
This encyclopedia article gives an accounting of Toussaint L'Overture, freed Haitian slave who was the leader of the revolt against France.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: David, the Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries
Jacques-Louis David's portrait of Napoleon in his study, constitutes one of the last formal portraits of the great French ruler. Read the background of this painting and view pictures on this site.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps
"Napoleon Crossing the Alps" by Jacques-Louis David is still arguably the most successful portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte that was ever made, even though there are many critical reviews. View a picture and read the background of this...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: David and the Death of Marat
At the height of the Reign of Terror in 1793, David painted a memorial to his great friend, the murdered publisher, Jean Marat. View pictures and read the history behind this painting in this essay.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Special Topics in Art History: Seeing America
A course on looking at American history through art. Should be cross-checked against
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: World History: 1750 1900 Enlightenment and Revolution
We have none from this URL but there are some among embedded videos, although not all. For example, we have the two on Haitian Revolution and some on Napoleon. But I couldn't find those on imperialism.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: French Revolution
This Fordham University site provides links to various documents that pertain to the French Revolution. (Note: a lot of the content is in French.)
Digital History
Digital History: The Eagle, the Tiger, and the Shark
A very brief discussion about how Napoleon's exploits in Europe affected American shipping and American sailors.
Scholastic: Grolier: Lewis and Clark: Louisiana Purchase
A summary of one of the largest land purchases in history, the Louisiana Purchase.