Roman Foreign Relations to 70 b.c.
A discussion that covers how Rome interacted with other groups/kingdoms during its history. A number of wars are mentioned such as the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman Empire: The Founding
This chapter, from the extensive site, Illustrated History of the Roman Empire, focuses on the founding of Rome, both the legends and the historical basis.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman empire.net: Roman Empire Map
This site from Roman-Empire.net provides an interactive map of the Roman Empire. The expanse of the empire can be viewed by dates. The site can be searched by Provinces, Territories, Tribes, Towns, Cities, or Barbarian Incursions.
Franco Cavazzi
History of the Roman Empire: Roman Dress
Describes in detail the clothing worn by people in the Roman times, with particular emphasis on the toga, giving its size and color, directions on draping it, and occasions for wearing it. Also included is information on footwear and...
Wikipedia: Rome
Wikipedia's encyclopedia entry for Rome, the capital city of Italy, which became the capital during the days of the Roman Republic. Links are also provided for additional information on related subjects.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman empire.net: Pictorial Tour of Roman Empire
This is a list of ancient sites in Italy, and throughout the Roman Empire. Click on the links to see pictures, excavation details, and brief descriptions.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: School Publishers: Unraveling Ancient Mysteries: Pompeii
Harcourt School reveals the background to the 79 C.E. eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of the Roman city of Pompeii and nearby Herculaneum. Features include animations of the eruption, pictures, and information to explore.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Alexander Severus
Encyclopedia reference provides biographical material on the life of Alexander Severus and the Roman Empire. Site contains photographs, timeline of events and links to related content.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Aqueduct
Defines and examines the history of aqueducts which were a means to transport water from one place to another in early Roman civilizations.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Augustus
Illustrated encyclopedia tells the story of Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome. Includes a timeline and links to related content.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Battle of Cannae
Learn details about the Battle of Cannae that took place during the Punic Wars and its aftermath. It was the worst defeat in Roman history.
Cursus Honorum
The story of the law of Cursus Honorum which set up a progression of offices that one must hold before they could become Consul.
Livius: Aedile
Offers a clear definition and information on Aedile, the Roman magistrate responsible for the Plebeian Games and maintenance of the temple.
Bbc History: Ancient History: Romans: Discovering Roman Technology
Article examines the technology the Romans brought with them when they invaded Britain in AD 43. From their missile-throwing machines to surveying materials and signaling flags, it's easy to see how the Romans quickly overtook the native...
Bbc History: Ancient History: Romans: Roman Empire: Paradox of Power
Essay provides parallels and connections with the modern world that illuminate Rome's history and downfall. Archived.
Bbc: History: Hadrian's Wall
A pictorial tour of Hadrian's Wall, this features a dozen pictures of the wall and the forts that were built into the wall. Click on "Find Out More," to get a print bibliography. Archived.
A&E Television
History.com: Infographics: Rome: Ancient Supercity
Rome was a city of "firsts"-the first apartment buildings, the first shopping mall, the first landfill site, and the first public welfare system. Discover more in this infographic on this Ancient supercity.
School History: Roman Roads [Pdf]
[Free Registration/Login Required] A three-page worksheet on Roman roads in England.
Britain Express
Britain Express: Roman Britain: The Roman Invasion
Good information about the history of Romans in Britain. Begins with the first invasion by Julius Caesar in 55 B.C. and goes through the eventual conquering by Claudius. Highlights the evolution of London as a civic center and the...
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Fall of the Roman Empire in the West
From Edward Gibbon's "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire," this is a comprehensive discussion of the reasons for the collapse of the western Roman Empire.
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Rome
Part of an online course supplement, this is an interesting introductory site for a study of Ancient Rome. Links are provided to various essays on and from ancient Rome. Most useful information is found by using the links in the lower...
National Geographic
National Geographic: 49 Bce: Caesar Crosses the Rubicon
"Crossing the Rubicon" is a modern-day idiom meaning to commit to a particular plan or course of action that cannot be reversed. The phrase refers to how Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon river and became embroiled in civil war in 49...
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Exploring Ancient World Cultures: Mithraism
University of Evansville provides an article written by Alison Griffith that defines Mithraism. Though it does not relate any startling information, it is a wonderful site for those searching for a clear definition of Mithraism. Fairly...
University of Chicago
University of Chicago Press: Around the Roman Table: Eight Recipes
Excerpted from Patrick Faas's book "Around the Roman Table", eight recipes and a taste of ancient Roman history and culinary customs.