Overcoming Obstacles
Identifying Options
"What should I do?" "How should I do it?" Middle Schoolers learn that answering these two questions is the key to solving problems. They begin with the first two steps of the Decision Making Process (gathering information and identifying...
Overcoming Obstacles
Expressing Opinions Constructively
Everyone has opinions. The trick is to learn how to disagree in a way that doesn't cause problems. The activities in the final lesson in the Communication Module focuses on learning how to express opinions constructively. Middle...
Overcoming Obstacles
Being Assertive
Passive! Aggressive! Assertive!. The activities in the fourth instructional activity in the Communication module teach middle schoolers the difference among these behaviors and how to develop assertive communication skills. After...
Overcoming Obstacles
Working In Teams
Working in teams can be a challenge but also offer many rewards. Developing the skills necessary to work effectively in teams is the focus of the third lesson plan in the Getting Started Module designed for middle schoolers. Participants...
Overcoming Obstacles
A lesson boosts relationship skills with a focus on empathy. Scholars define it, offer examples, and practice showing empathy with scenario cards. Five steps assist class members in empathizing in the classroom, home, and community.
Overcoming Obstacles
Becoming a Good Friend
A instructional activity puts a spotlight on becoming a good friend. After pointing out TV friendships, scholars listen to several scenarios and discuss whether the characters exhibit good or bad friendly behaviors. Learners reflect...
Overcoming Obstacles
Problem Solving at Home
The final lesson in the "Problem Solving Module" focuses on finding creative solutions to problems that might arise at home. Individuals then create a storyboard that illustrates how they would apply the six-step problem-solving process...
Overcoming Obstacles
Problem Solving on the Job
The truth is there are consequences for actions. The third instructional activity in the "Problem Solving Module" asks class members to brainstorm a list of problems, select one and invent a system, process, or object that might solve...
Overcoming Obstacles
Problem Solving in School
Scholars learn how to be part of the solution to problems high schoolers face. After identifying problems at their school, participants list cues that indicate each problem, note campus resources available to help solve the problem, and...
Overcoming Obstacles
Problem Solving Techniques
Participants in the first lesson plan of the "Problem Solving Module" discover that the techniques used to solve problems follow the same steps they practiced in the "Decision Making Skills Module." Groups focus on different characters...
Overcoming Obstacles
Becoming a Good Friend
A lesson focuses on the qualities of a good friend. Scholars discuss how to be a good friend and decorate a hand cutout to represent a high five of friendship. Small groups offer encouragement and give compliments to each other.
Facing History and Ourselves
Bio-poem: Connecting Identity and Poetry
Writing a bio-poem is a great way to have young scholars go below the surface and reflect on who or what has made them who they are. Check out this richly detailed lesson that provides step-by-step directions for crafting a bio-poem.
Know Before You Go Teacher’s Guide
A 124-page guide provides instructors with what they need to know before launching a seven-lesson thematic unit designed for high school seniors on issues they will face after graduation. Topics covered include mental health and...
English Club
Romance and Relationships
Romance and relationships are the subjects of an ESL worksheet designed for intermediate language learners. Class members match 10 sentences with the correct endings, match verbs with their correct definitions, and complete sentences...
Florida Department of Health
Exploring Healthy Relationships Unit
A four-lesson unit on healthy relationships begins by helping individuals develop a positive sense of self-worth by identifying their own positive characteristics. Participants also examine data from the YRBS Online Tool about the...
Texas Education Agency (TEA)
Effectively Managing Stress
Billy Joel's song "Pressure" launches a four-day study of stress; what it is, what causes it, and how stress impacts the body. Class members watch a presentation and short videos about effectively managing stress and then groups research...
University of Maine
Healthy Relationships
A three-part Healthy Living Curriculum begins with a look at how self-esteem impacts relationships. Individuals identify their own positive qualities and then consider how statements on social media may impact self-esteem.
Teach With Movies
The Great Gatsby
Are you thinking about incorporating a film version of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic novel in a study of The Great Gatsby? Check out a guide loaded with suggestions for how to supplement a reading of the novel with scenes from three film...
Health Smart Virginia
In preparation for a game in which they guess the type of communication used in a scenario, scholars examine and discuss the four types of communication: passive, aggressive, assertive, and passive-aggressive. Learners identify "I"...
Health Smart Virginia
Conflict Resolution
A lesson introduces the Peace Corner—a safe place to communicate feelings and problem solve. To gain practice, scholars role-play scenarios that require conflict resolution. Peers speak, listen, brainstorm solutions, shake hands, then...
Health Smart Virginia
Sporting Behavior
A game of Cooperation Tag and a Rock, Paper, Scissors Champion Challenge plays to the positive impact of good sporting behavior on one's social-emotional development. Scholars participate in these games with their peers then thoroughly...
Health Smart Virginia
Making Partners
Partnering with someone new may be daunting. Here a lesson encourages young peers to work collaboratively in physical activity settings. Following a whole-class discussion, scholars participate in several cooperative activities that...
Health Smart Virginia
Taking Turns
Scholars work cooperatively, taking turns, to boost peer relationships and fairness. Rotating through five stations, players practice tossing, bouncing, push-ups, and working together to clean up fallen equipment, then...
Health Smart Virginia
Sporting Behavior
Six small groups perform skits that showcase positive sporting behavior. Actors highlight how players try their best, encourage others, win gracefully, think positively, show respect, and resolve conflict. A class discussion and an Exit...